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Play it early and often, like they vote in Chicago Credits: A Clever Dude |
In the five years since Barack Obama’s first presidential election, race has figured prominently in the national discussion about almost every issue. The “great uniter” has become the “great divider” as racial animus is higher now in the country than it has been in decades because leftists in the government and their supporters in the media and elsewhere play the race card whenever they can to end an argument by silencing their opponent. God knows they can’t win on the facts.
Calling someone a racist has become so common, one wonders why it has any impact at all anymore. I remember the first time I was called a racist in public. I froze for a moment, then said to myself, “No, you are not a racist, she is just trying to shut you up.” And that was the last time I let it affect me.
Over twenty years ago an INS Supervisor gave me the words to deflect the spurious “race” claim. It is so simple and I have shared it with activists over the past two decades who have used it to their advantage. I think it can be used successfully on any issue today where “racism” is claimed.
If you are working for border security and immigration enforcement and somebody in favor of open borders and amnesty calls you a racist, respond thus,
“What has race got to do with it? A person’s race doesn’t give them the right to sneak into my country illegally and work here illegally. Is that what you are saying? That a person’s race gives them the right to enter my country illegally?”
Then, as they say in sales, shut up.
Let it sink in.
Two prominent open borders advocates from a well known racist organization eventually refused to debate me on national television when I began to ask, “What has race got to do with it?”
I remember a city council meeting I attended back in the early 90s where many of us were trying to kill a city sponsored hiring hall for illegal aliens. The Editorial Page Editor of the local Gannett news paper, a black woman who supported illegal aliens, approached me and said coyly, “You know Rick, I think you don’t like me because I’m black.”
I didn’t back up, bring my hand to my chest and say with a hurt look on my face, “No, no, no. Don’t misunderstand…blah, blah, blah.” I leaned down and looked her in the eye and said, “You’re race has nothing to do with it. I don’t like you because your politics stink.” It was her turn to retreat, and she never talked to me again. Without the race card, most of our opponents are mute.
I remember a decade ago when House Budget Committee hearings chaired by Barney Frank D-MA had some Republicans questioning Franklin Raines, who at the time was running Fannie Mae into ground and would eventually saddle taxpayers with $116 billion in debt when the subprime mortgage market collapsed. I remember Frank and Maxine Waters D-CA, that nitwit from southern California, accusing the Republicans of attacking Raines because he was black. Franklin Raines ran Fannie Mae like Ken Lay ran Enron, only Fannie Mae was on steroids. But, the race claim was used to chill everyone out.
Just recently, according to FOX NEWS:
“The head of the Louisiana Democratic Party said on the floor of the state Senate this week that opponents of the federal health care overhaul are motivated by President Obama's race -- a remark that drew the scorn of state Republicans who now want her to apologize.
State Sen. Karen Carter Peterson, who is also chairwoman of the state Democratic Party, repeatedly invoked race as she railed against ObamaCare critics."
People will continue to play the race card for as long as it works. For many, it is the only response they have to failures in their own lives, but others will use it because it gets the desired result -- it shuts up their opponent and ends the debate.
Create your own response from; “What does race have to do with it? A person’s race doesn’t…etc. etc.”
A response to Maxine Waters rant could have been, “What does race have to do with it? A person’s race doesn’t give them the right to waste the taxpayers’ money and make risky or shoddy investments. Is that what you are saying?”
Or to Louisiana State Senator Peterson, “What does the president’s race have to do with it? His race doesn’t give him the right to take over 1/6th of the country’s economy with a healthcare law that has never worked anywhere and will crash the private healthcare insurance industry and diminish the healthcare delivery system in our country, does it? It that what you are saying? The president’s race allows him to push flawed legislation that will wreck our healthcare system?”
And of course in response to open borders losers who cry racism to end the debate;
“What does race have to do with it? A person’s race doesn’t give them the right to sneak into my country illegally and then work here illegally. Is that what you are saying? A person’s race gives them the right to be an illegal alien in my country?"
The answer to that is, of course, "No," or silence, as they choose.
Source: Washington Examiner