Saturday, February 26, 2011

Illegal Alien Pleads Guilty To Food Stamp Fraud

An illegal immigrant from the Dominican Republic has pleaded guilty to allegations that he used straw owners to operate several grocery stores in Hartford that he used to defraud the federal food stamp program of about $1.6 million. Federal prosecutors say Apolinare Collado, who also used numerous aliases, allowed customers to exchange food stamps for cash and other products not eligible for purchase with the benefit between 2003 and 2009. The 43-year-old pleaded guilty Friday to one count of food stamp fraud. He faces up to 20 years in prison at sentencing scheduled for June 6. In 1998, Collado was...

Letter on the Resolution of Federation of Federal Employees (No Gov't Collective Bargaining)

 Letter on the Resolution of Federation of Federal Employees Against Strikes in Federal Service August 16, 1937 Franklin D. Roosevelt 1937 Font Size: Report Typo Share The American Presidency Project Promote Your Page Too My dear Mr. Steward: As I am unable to accept your kind invitation to be present on the occasion of the Twentieth Jubilee Convention of the National Federation of Federal Employees, I am taking this method of sending greetings and a message. Reading your letter of July 14, 1937, I was especially interested in the timeliness of your remark that the manner in which...

Obama’s Marxism Disguised As Unionism

Obama Hints At Unionism As Being The New Marxism[VIDEO AT SITE] or HERE...The people of the world should realize that Obama's New Unionism is selling the old Marxism as unionism; people are buying into unionism who would have never considered supporting Marxism and they are financing it with billions of dollars. Our president is using his position to facilitate this March of Marxism as a gathering storm to promote Totalitarian Marxism around the world. The regular activities of his office don't concern him: he is only concerned with advancing the union cause or those who are allied with the...

Conservative Gov attempts to dine out in uber-liberal Madison

This is how Madison businesses are treating the democratically elected governor of the state of Wisconsin. This is disgusting, and should not go unnoticed.

Is the Lavish Cost of Recent Firefighter's Funeral in LA Another Example of Union Benefits Overkill?

Thousands of firefighters in uniform on paid agency time came from different fire agencies all over Southern California to attend Glenn Allen's funeral bringing with them tens of millions of dollars of firefighting equipment, helicopters. Just the cost of fuel alone must have cost in the tens of thousands of dollars, notwithstanding the cost of salaries and accrued benefits of thousands of active duty firefighters. His funeral must have cost the taxpayers millions of dollars thanks to union rules that permit such a waste of taxpayer funds.

I personally mean no disrespect to his family, but if it were not for union rules, firefighters would have to attend funerals on their own time.

Maine farmers seek to protect locally grown foods

Small, local farm operations in recent years have faced increasingly stringent state regulations that, farmers say, threaten their farms and the rights of local residents to buy local food. Now, they are pushing back. A group of Hancock County farmers has proposed an ordinance in four towns that would exempt small farms from new state licensing and inspection requirements as long as the farm products are sold directly to a customer for home consumption. The ordinance is mirrored in two bills introduced this session by state Rep. Walter Kumiega, D-Deer Isle. The proposed ordinance is backed by the local Halcyon...

Wisconsin Capitol protesters disrespect the Veterans Memorial

At the Capitol on February 25, 2011, my husband and I confront protesters who are using the Veterans Memorial as a place to tape a lot of signs and pile up their stuff. They say that we are the first people to have a problem with it.

Hispanic civil rights leader banned from Senate chambers

PHOENIX -- A sometimes loud crowd reaction this past week to a legislative hearing has led to the banning of a Hispanic civil rights leader from the Senate -- and his arrest Thursday after he went to see his legislator. Senate President Russell Pearce confirmed Friday he told the Senate sergeant at arms to bar the leader of a group that was being "rowdy' while watching a committee hearing on a TV monitor in an overflow room. But the Senate president said he did not learn until later that person he banned was Salvador Reza. Reza was arrested Thursday when...

The Union Gang

Unions have taken a big hit as their greed has become visible to more and more Americans. The most recent punch hit the unions in Wisconsin right in the breadbasket, and it must have felt like a Chuck Norris roundhouse. The unions seem to have found their fiscal hypocrisy steeping like a tea bag in hot water. Many unions have opted out of ObamaCare which was sold as a panacea, thanks to waivers granted by the Obama administration. Unions didn't want the Obama version of new health care, preferring instead to keep their old version. But it's not just...

One U.S. Code for Patrick Patte, Another for Barack Obama

Internet gambling is illegal unless you are running for PresidentPatte Avoids Prison Time reports, Patte, 72, owner of Patte’s Sports Bar and Restaurant in Wilkes-Barre, was sentenced Thursday by U.S. District Court Judge A. Richard Caputo to three years probation, with the first six months on home confinement with electronic monitoring, and a $21,000 fine. ...Patte and two other men, Christopher Marion, 33, and Mark Fino, 53, were charged in February 2010 with operating an Internet-based betting ring, Prosecutors said bettors made wagers through the website, then paid their losses or collected their winnings at the popular bar on...

Libya: British forces rescue 150 civilians from desert (Good Show!)

Two RAF Hercules aircraft were involved in the operation, which involved the SAS and forces from Special Boat Service. Both planes have landed in Malta, the Ministry of Defence confirmed, while HMS Cumberland is on her way back to Benghazi to evacuate anyone else left in the chaos-stricken country. Britain has also evacuated its diplomatic staff and suspended the operations of the British embassy in Tripoli. Workers departed on the last Government-chartered flight, which took off for Gatwick carrying 53 British nationals on Saturday afternoon. Liam Fox, the defence secretary, said: "I can confirm that two RAF C130 Hercules aircraft...

Brit forces get 'game-changing' technology to fight Taliban in Afghanistan

British forces in Afghanistan can now track Taliban fighters with revolutionary facial recognition technology harnessed to images beamed to the ground by giant spy-in-the-sky barrage balloons floating at 2,000ft.... Another hi-tech weapon being introduced is the Raptor pod fitted to RAF Tornado fighter jets. Raptors can detect even minute changes to the undergrowth, earth and rocks disturbed by insurgents as they lay roadside bombs. (ANI)

President and Treasury Secretary Downplay Mid-East Strife, Hail Invention

President Barack Obama and US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sought to downplay fears that unrest in the Middle East would negatively impact the US economy by hailing a Virginia man’s invention of a rainbow-making machine as a harbinger of a brighter future for America. The device is the brainchild of Michael Jones McKean, an assistant professor at Virginia Commonwealth University. It uses a large scale sprinkler system and the light of the sun to create rainbows averaging about 1,000 feet in length. Each device can produce a rainbow of 15 minute duration twice a day. A prototype is currently being...

Texas group to offer college scholarships to white men

Members of a new Texas association are starting a college scholarship program for a group of students they say do not have as many scholarship options as others -- white men. Colby Bohannan, a student at Texas State University in San Marcos, and some friends have formed the non-profit Former Majority Association for Equality, which will provide the scholarships. The idea was that there are many scholarships geared toward helping minorities and women attend college, and there are also scholarships for people from certain religions or from certain families. But Bohannan thought his demographic group was missing. Non-Hispanic whites are,...

Protesters, police clash in Tunis

Violence erupted for a second day Saturday in the Tunisian capital as police used tear gas on protesters demanding the prime minister's resignation. Young demonstrators hurled rocks at police officers and set several cars on fire, The Wall Street Journal reported. Gunfire was heard in central Tunis. About 100,000 people turned out Friday for the largest rally since President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Tunisia's longtime dictator, stepped down Jan. 14. The Interior Ministry said at least 20 police officers were hurt and demonstrators broke into stores.

Public workers prepare for strike, but experts disagree on lawfulness of action ('teach about hope')

Public workers prepare for strike, but experts disagree on lawfulness of actionBy GINA DUWE, KEVIN HOFFMAN Friday, Feb. 25, 2011 School districts and unions are making plans in case strikes are in their future, but educators and law experts disagree on whether the provisions in the state budget repair bill would make public employee strikes legal. **SNIP** "They're very upset," Parr said. "Our future is very unclear, and nobody likes to have to go in front of students and teach about hope when everything is unclear and murky. It's a challenge." The governor's office didn't immediately return calls Thursday seeking...

Protests Spread To Vietnam

After protests recently shifted to Korea they have now migrated to very tightly controlled Vietnam (and some were wondering what the reason for the orchestrated take down of rice in the past week was), in the first public demonstration by unhappy farmer against the controlling regime in many years. In the meantime, as the media blackout over developments in Korea, Bahrain and just as importantly Algeria continues (not to mention China), keeping in mind that as Nomura predicted a shut down in Algerian and Libyan oil production is all that is needed for crude to hit $220, we now look...

Obama Is Helping Iran (Obama's handling of ME is playing into the hands of Iran gov )

On Obama's watch, the regional balance of influence and power has shifted even further away from the United States and toward Iran and its allies. The Islamic Republic has continued to deepen its alliances with Syria and Turkey and expand its influence in Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine. And, now, the Obama administration stands by helplessly as new openings for Tehran to reset the regional balance in its favor emerge in Bahrain, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, and perhaps elsewhere. If these "pro-American" Arab political orders currently being challenged or upended by significant protest movements become at all more representative of their populations,...

Can forced sterilization ever be ethical?

A British court still needs to decide whether to authorize the sterilization, at her mother’s own request, of a mentally disabled woman (see e.g. here and here). Reading only the headlines and initial paragraphs of the news entries devoted to the case, one might become worried that we are seeing here a resurgence of an abhorrent practice that gained much favour in the first half of the 20th-Century, in countries like Germany or the United States: i.e. the compulsory sterilization of the mentally retarded for eugenic purposes. However, it is important to look at the particulars of this case in...

The tax payer subsidy of the democratic party

In the minds of the left and their union compatriots, unions are a necessary tool to counter corporate America. The left’s storyline is that corporate America is evil, can’t be trusted, and will do bad things to good people if given the chance. That means any tactic is acceptable, and calls for civility only apply to other people.In Wisconsin there are no companies, only tax payers, the liberal storyline doesn’t fit but that doesn’t stop it from being trotted out. The little guy in this fight are not the unions or their members, but the state taxpayers. Wisconsin voters revolted...

Horror on family trip to SeaWorld as man 'rapes two-year-old girl - takes pictures of attack

A Florida man has been accused of raping a two-year-old girl on a family trip to SeaWorld and saving images of the attack on his mobile phone. Michael Gryzbowicz, of Cocoa Beach in Florida, was asked to watch the little girl while her mother and her mother's boyfriend went on a ride at the amusement park. The 26-year-old had accompanied the family, who have not been named to protect the toddler's privacy, on their day out. But when he was left alone with the little girl he allegedly attacked her. Four images found on his mobile phone are said to...

Al-Qaida calls for revolt against Arab rulers

Al-Qaida's offshoot in Yemen urged Muslims to revolt against Arab rulers and establish governments based on Islamic law, according to an audio tape posted Saturday on militant websites.

Herman Cain at the Defending American Dream Summit, Arkansas

Outstanding speech by Herman, outlining his plans to stimulate the economy, bring jobs back to the US, and more. Also talks about America's resiliency.

Obama extends yet another middle finger at America

Regardless of your position on same-sex marriage, Obama’s decision earlier this week on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is yet another middle finger gesture by the President of the United States at the US Constitution, and a clear and present danger to the very fabric of the United States.

"Racist" Baa Baa Black Sheep put out to pasture (now they are "Rainbow sheep".)

BLACK sheep are on the endangered species list as some children in north Queensland learn to sing Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep. The English nursery rhyme may have survived for 200-plus years but political correctness could finally put it out to pasture. Some schools in Britain have banned the song for being racist, but Pelicans Innisfail Child Care allows children to sing about black sheep or rainbow sheep. Director Pam McLaughlin said some teachers sang the changed lyrics, and some children already knew the changes. "We just go with whatever the children want," Ms McLaughlin said. "The kids are just singing...

If the Saudis revolt, the world’s in trouble. Fate of global recovery rests on events in Riyadh

Be careful what you wish for. After an ambiguous start, Western leaders have broadly welcomed the wave of protest and revolutions sweeping North Africa and parts of the Middle East. But beneath the words of encouragement about people taking charge of their own destiny, there is a growing and vital concern – the security of our oil and gas supplies. The West’s complicity in supporting the autocratic regimes that characterise many of the big oil-exporting nations is in part explained by the fact that, whatever their sins, they did at least seem to provide stability in the energy markets. That...

Breaking News - Live Thread #2- Libya and Middle East

From the BBC: 1545: Libyan TV says in an "urgent" screen caption the state news agency is under "piracy" attack, and gives a new web address: "Website of [state] al-Jamahiriyah News Agency (JANA) subjected to suspicious piracy operation." 1528: And AFP has just reported that there are violent clashes between demonstrators and government forces taking place in central Tunis. 1525: In Tunisia, where it all started, hundreds of journalists and technicians from the state-run TV broadcaster have gone on strike over what they say is continued government censorship of their dispatches, Reuters reports. State TV news bulletins have stopped. One...

Moms Know What Ben Bernanke Doesn't: Inflation Is Here

If Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke were a soccer mom shopping for corn flakes, he would probably have a different outlook on inflation in the United States of America today. More evidence of runaway inflation surfaced Thursday morning as the US Agriculture Department forecast food prices to rise more than 3% in 2011, which is close to twice as much as the overall inflation rate. Speaking at the USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum, US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack acknowledged the stark reality of ballooning food prices while also aiming to assuage apprehensions about their impact. "We're keeping an eye on this,"...

Mob Robbers And Rampant Looting: Is This The Future Of America?

Mob Robbers And Rampant Looting: Is This The Future Of America?Feburary 26,2011 Have you ever heard of mob robberies? What happens is that dozens of young people storm a store at the same time, take whatever they want, and then storm out as powerless store clerks watch helplessly. Most of the time these "mob robbers" end up getting caught, but unfortunately "group crime" is a trend that is rising. Is it a sign of the times that large groups of people are starting to recklessly invade retail establishments? Is this the future of America? As I have written about...

Feds’ findings on oil spill to be delayed again

A federal panel investigating the Deepwater Horizon disaster said Friday that its probe might not be complete until July 27 — 15 months after the well blowout that killed 11 workers and triggered the nation’s worst oil spill. The joint inquiry by the U.S. Coast Guard and the Interior Department had already received one extension and had planned to wrap up work by the end of March. But delays in testing the blowout preventer that failed to stop gushing oil at BP’s doomed Macondo well prompted the government to ask for more time. “The condition of the BOP, as well...

Parnell claims administration openly hostile to oil states

With the unrest in the Middle East as his springboard, Gov. Sean Parnell lashed out at the Obama administration's stance on domestic oil production, saying the White House approach was having a tangible effect on the country's foreign policy. In a speech at the National Press Club, the Republican governor called the federal government "openly hostile" to oil-producing states, particularly for the delays in allowing Shell to drill exploratory wells on leases off Alaska's northern coast that the company purchased in 2008. "If it looks like a moratorium and walks like a moratorium ... maybe it is," said Parnell, who...

Salazar: Won't Bow to Political Pressure to Restart Gulf Deepwater Drilling

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said that U.S. regulators would not bow to political pressure to restart deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico before they are certain the oil-and-gas industry is capable of containing an oil spill like the one that followed last BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster. Salazar and Michael Bromwich--the head of the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, which oversees offshore drilling--were in Houston Friday to meet with oil industry executives to assess the spill-containment systems they have developed in the wake of nation's worst-ever marine oil spill. Bromwich said he was "quite confident that...

Arrest Made In Dragging Death (Obama supporter, Organizing for America supporter)

No big surprize here. The woman who dragged a tow truck driver to his death has been arrested. She is 32 year old Detra Farries. If you check out her MySpace page you will see she is a big supporter of our Dear Leader BHO. Also a big Organizing For America fan. From her Myspace page you can even "sign up for a big OFA National Training Event near you." As you dig into the comments on the KCTV web page, you will see that her husband is currently serving time for a fatal hit and run in 2009. You...

Environmentalists Damaging US Economy and Job Growth

Environmentalists Damaging US Economy and Job Growth Written by Liz Peek Thursday, 17 February 2011 13:43 If President Obama is serious about smoothing the path for U.S. businesses, he should take up reading the newspaper. Not a day goes by that he wouldn’t find opportunities aplenty to unclog our regulatory arteries. This past Friday was no exception. The issue? A proposed coal terminal on the Columbia River in Washington. A terminal that would facilitate coal shipments to China, thus aiding one of Mr. Obama’s professed goals—ramping up U.S. exports. Unfortunately, as the Wall Street Journal reported, local environmentalists want the...

Lucifer's Architect’s of Anarchy

President Obama and the Secular Left - just alone the last two years - have sought every opportunity to transform, undermine, eradicate, rewrite, slander, bulldoze, and undo what is left of our sacred Constitution, our Judeo/Christian heritage, our national security, our free markets, liberties and republic ideals. The rise of the Left and godless Liberalism in America has been slowly but ever rising since the 1920’s until today, where it is at a fever pitch. The Left has always sought to make war with America’s Judeo/ Christian values (moral and spiritual) by imposing their secular and godless immorality on the...

Micro-Stamping Legislation Introduced in Massachusetts

House Bill 1561, micro-stamping legislation, is pending in the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security. Introduced by F-rated state Representative David Paul Linsky (D-5th Middlesex), H01561 would require that semi-automatic firearms manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in the state of Massachusetts be capable of micro-stamping ammunition and establish fines for violations of this requirement. Micro-stamping is an unproven technology that would require unique identifying information from the firearm, including the make, model, and serial number to be etched into the firing pin and breech face in such a manner that those identifiers are imprinted on the...

(remember the Clinton legacy) The Utah Coal Lockup: A trillion dollar Lippo payoff?

The Utah Coal Lockup: A trillion dollar Lippo payoff? By: Sarah Foster When the President signed the Executive Order designating 1.7 million acres of land in southwest Utah as the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, his action placed the area off limits to mineral extraction and development. The New York Times reported that the monument encloses the largest coal field in the nation, the Kaiparowitz Plateau, which contains at least 7 billion tons of coal worth over $1 TRILLION. Kentucky-based company Andalux Resources, which holds leases on 3,400 acres in the area, was planning to open a huge operation (underground, not...

Iran’s Africa Fiasco

It hasn't made much noise worldwide, but Iran's rapidly deteriorating relationships with several African countries is huge news across the continent. On February 16, the Nigerian Federal High Court in Lagos began the prosecution of an alleged member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Azim Aghajani, and a Nigerian associate, Usman Abbas Jega. They are accused of arms smuggling. This video link is in Arabic, but is very self-explanatory. It is of the opening day of the court proceedings.The story is a classic, just one of many on the Dark Continent nowadays: In late October 2010, Nigerian intelligence officials...

Arguing Against the Garage Door Politician: The Importance of Civic Involvement

Americans have spent the last three generations growing detached from their communities. The book “Bowling Alone” by Robert Putnam illustrates the aggressive decline of civic engagement in the United States. The premise is simple; in generations past, ending with the Greatest Generation who came of age during the Depression and World War II, Americans were engaged in everything from neighborhood clubs, civic groups — and even bowling leagues. The inventions of television and radio and suburban life with long commutes have eroded the public engagement of most Americans. Information and ideas are no longer discussed in meetings, but on the...

Day of reckoning on pensions

The housing bubble and subsequent Wall Street collapse wreaked havoc on the nation's retirement savings, as many pension funds and 401(k) plans suffered losses of 30% or more. State and local governments are now facing huge unfunded pension liabilities, prompting policymakers to scramble for ways to close the gap without slashing payrolls and services. But a new report from the Little Hoover Commission in Sacramento makes a more troubling point: Many state and local government employees have been promised pensions that the public couldn't have afforded even had there been no crash. The commission's analysis of the problem is hotly...

April Economic Recovery: Gov Palin To “Officially” Announce Obama Regime Removal & 2012 Candidacy

Believe it or not, it’s already high time for presidential hopefuls to kick off their campaigns even though the election isn’t until November 2012 — and we’ve connected some dots that strongly suggest where and when Sarah Palin will be announcing. has learned that Palin has booked an appearance in April on The Bob and Mark Show on 106.5 KWHL-FM in Anchorage. Sarah has said all along — including on the final episode of her TLC show Sarah Palin’s Alaska — that she would announce her candidacy on the radio via Bob and Mark. While the exact date hasn’t...

WikiLeaks Cables Reveal Muslim Brotherhood Ties to Iran

Despite evidence from our own State Department to the contrary, why does Obama think that this organization would be a positive player in forming the new Egyptian government? The Obama administration believes that the Muslim Brotherhood is an acceptable player in forming a new government in Egypt despite the fact that about a dozen very public quotes from the former and current leaders of the Brotherhood, which I provided in a Pajamas Media article last week, reveal the BrotherhoodÂ’s Salafi-jihadi worldview and support for Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.These quotes are readily available to anyone who wants to take the...

Court Case Warns EPA Could 'Own' Your Land!

A legal team asking the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene in an Idaho controversy is warning landowners that under the compliance order procedures being used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency virtually anyone could be told to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in permit fees – or face hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and penalties – over ordinary home construction work.

A petition for certiorari has been submitted to the court by Pacific Legal, an organization working on behalf of the Sackett family of Idaho.

They own a half-acre lot in a residential area near Priest Lake and wanted to build a home. But after excavation work was begun the EPA "swooped in" with a "compliance order" that requires them to undo the excavation and restore the "wetlands," and then leave it for three years at which point they could seek a "permit" that could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Or they could wait for the EPA to prosecute the alleged Clean Water Act violations, which could result in penalties of $25,000-plus per day.

Source: Click Here for Full Story

Feeling embarrassed for Nancy Pelosi

Every politician is somewhat egotistic, but not all of them are this bad. Glenn Thrush reports:

The Democratic National Committee wanted to honor Nancy Pelosi Thursday -- but its praise wasn't good enough for the House minority leader. When the DNC's Resolutions Committee brought up a resolution commemorating Pelosi's years as speaker of the House, Pelosi's daughter sought to alter the proposal at her mother's behest, adding some of the accomplishments that the elder Pelosi felt the committee had overlooked.

"I have some friendly amendments," said Christine Pelosi, a political strategist, at the committee's session during the DNC Winter Meeting at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel Thursday afternoon. She is a member of the committee.

"You think I'm kidding," Christine Pelosi added, to surprised laughter from the room. The proposed changes, she indicated, came out of a discussion with her mother.

Is it time to have the impeachment discussion?

Drudge threw up the flashing blue and red light Friday afternoon — Newt Gingrich said the words “Obama” and “impeachment”. The reaction to it lit a flicker of hope in the hearts of many Americans. That someone with national stature has finally, finally, said aloud what we’ve thinking too: What more does Obama have to do before someone — anyone — takes up impeachment proceedings against him?

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV Friday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said President Barack Obama’s decision not to fully enforce the Defense of Marriage law eventually could lead to a constitutional crisis, as he has directly violated his constitutional duties by arbitrarily suspending a law.

Gingrich even suggested that, if a “President Sarah Palin” had taken a similar action, there would have been immediate calls for her impeachment. Asked directly whether President Obama could be subject to articles of impeachment, Gingrich said, “I think that’s something you get to much later. But I think clearly it is a dereliction of duty. Clearly it’s a violation of his constitutional oath. Clearly it is not something that can be allowed to stand.”

Later this evening, a friend urged me to read an article at the American Thinker.

I’m so upset over this. Be sure to read some of the comments too. And please, if you’re concerned as I am, share with your email friends. You will not hear much, if anything, about this on the lamestream media. And write your Congressmen. is a good site to use.

Richard N. Weltz’ Obama Completes His Trifecta lists several Constitutional violations by Obama and his corrupt Department of Justice under AG Eric Holder. Weltz ends the piece asking, “What are we gonna do about it?”

Notable examples in the scant couple of years The One has been in office include: refusal to enforce voting laws against intimidation at the polls in Chicago, efforts to use the regulatory functions of the EPA to circumvent the specific legislation of Congress to ban cap-and-trade, refusal to enforce immigration laws, and attempts by the FCC to regulate matters banned from its jurisdiction by law.

We need not even mention the undemocratic parliamentary tactics and outright bribery used by Obama and his allies to ram through the unpopular and clearly unconstitutional ObamaCare bill — without it even having been read by most Congress members.

On the judiciary side, we witness the executive ignoring a Federal Court ruling on ObamaCare’s unconstitutionality, the refusal — to the point where an order of compliance had to be issued from the bench — to refrain from imposing an illegal moratorium on oil drilling; and, now the clearest and most blatant power grab of all. Obama has arrogated to himself, in the matter of DOMA, the power to declare that law unconstitutional and order his Justice Department not to contest lawsuits challenging it.

In the meantime, while usurping and/or undercutting the legitimate powers and functions of the other two branches, in the three areas for which the Executive does have power and responsibility — faithfully executing the laws, conducting foreign policy, and commanding the armed forces — this megalomaniacal narcissist has proven a spectacular failure.

What have we allowed to happen to the American concept of separation of powers? Are we abandoning this unique and hallowed concept for a tinpot dictatorship dressed up in a fancy suit and fancy oratory? Where and how do we stop this train to ruination?

The growing public mood to impeach was evident in the comments:

This is a good summary list of charges for impeachment. I believe this President will be impeached. The future of the Democrat party is at stake in 2012. IF the economy dives any further (which it is) and continued Chaos around the world. It will drive Obama’s numbers into the toilet. Throw in the lack of a birth certificate (state verification) and the Democrats will be looking for a way to rid themselves of OBama.

What you have described is the case for impeachment – the facts are clear – high crimes and misdemeanors everywhere. Perhaps the readers of AT or members of the Tea Party, or (perish the thought) our elected Republican representatives could start that ball rolling. I don’t know what else this administration needs to do (or fail to do) before someone calls them out very loudly and very publicly! The time to throw PC under the bus has long since passed. I’ve written to my Senators and Congressman – have you? Who’s with me? Let’s roll . . . . . it could make the months leading up to Nov 2012 very interesting.

Enough. Time (PAST time) to impeach. So, other than contacting our representatives, how can we stop the lawlessness and get this imposter out?

We need someone with guts to challenge this power grab and bring Hussein up on impeachment charges. If anything warranted impeachment, conviction, removal and prosecution, this does!

Preferred option: Impeach Obama. Odds of Success: Virtually nil. What else? Boycott all liberal media. Cancel subscriptions to meanstream print media. Drive ratings down on liberal tv media. Liberal media is the fuel of indoctrination for the brain-washed masses. Stop the liberal media. It will jam up the liberal-left momentum.

Uncoverage wrote about it too, with updates:

Update: Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) says Congress will vote to cut or defund the Justice Dept. until it follows the law

Update: Even the liberal MSNBC says Obama’s decision to ignore DOMA is a legal “backfire”

Update: Even the liberal New York Times questions the political wisdom of Obama’s decision

Detroit Free Press: Possessing Child Pornography Doesn’t Hurt The Child

Even possessing child pornography is illegal in this country. Why? Because the viewing creates demand and puts said children in danger of heinous abuse. Similarly, giving taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood results in more abortions no matter what that money is earmarked for. It's simply what they do. Any money that PP gets goes into a big pot after which you can no longer segregate what goes into paying for the heat and lights and what goes towards dismembering little children. Even if it can be shown that taxpayer money goes towards light and heat it still frees up those funds that PP would have had to use for those ends to kill babies. So no difference either way. That has yet to dawn on the Detroit Free Press that, in an editorial against any and all budget cuts by the US House GOP (Editorial: U.S. House Republicans swing a dangerous budget ax), laid down this whopper:
...the House enacted a bizarre mishmash of cuts, ending funding for Planned Parenthood reproductive health services (abortion services were never funded)...
of course not directly, in the same sense that viewing child porn doesn't directly abuse the child. Such things are by design indirect in nature, and the freep's assertion is at best disingenuous. The freep might want to justify why Planned Parenthood - a private company - should get any taxpayer dollars in the first place (local community health centers perform all the testing that PP does after all). Especially after they just got caught colluding with pimps to cover up CHILD SEX SLAVERY! Isn't that kind of worse than some shlub viewing child porn? PP was actively supporting it! It wasn't just one incident either but rather spread across the whole:

You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up: Planned Parenthood Exec ‘Firmly Believes’ Videos ‘Doctored’; But Admits HE HASN'T SEEN THEM!

New Planned Parenthood video shows pimp coached to claim guardianship over underage child prostitutes

Video Of Former Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson: Org Coerces Minors Into Having Abortions

New York Times calls exposure of Planned Parenthood conspiring to hide child sex slavery "a seige"

Heh: NJ Gov Christie Vetoes Planned Parenthood Funding Bill After Undercover Video Of Staffers Helping Pimp Slave Out Children For Sex

Un-Edited Video: Three More Virginia Planned Parenthood Clinics Caught On Tape Willing to Aid and Abet Sexual Exploitation of Children

2nd Video: Planned Parenthood Advises ‘Pimp’ on Underage Sex Trafficking, Secret Abortions for Minors

Video: Planned Parenthood Advises ‘Pimp’ on Underage Sex Trafficking, Secret Abortions for Minors

Want to know where your taxpayer money has been going? From Jill Stanek: Breaking: Planned Parenthood, Tiller failed to report 164 cases of child statutory rape. Once again, covering up worse than child pornography. And from a prior post: Planned Parenthood Received $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163. Talk about blood money. Planned Parenthood encourages women to wait and have an abortion at a certain point in the pregnancy so that they can turn around and sell fetus bodyparts for a profit. They cover up statutory rape of little girls by adult men (more at this link) so they can have repeat victim customers. They target minorities in line with their founder Margaret Sanger's eugenics push to rid the world of black people. And they lie to women about their unborn babies to coax an abortion which is their #1 source of profit (Video: Yet another Planned Parenthood clinic caught lying to women to coerce abortions). And with all that in tow, the ruling class sees fit to bestow this evil organization with hundreds of millions of our hard-earned tax dollars, with Obama leading the charge.

Cross-posted at theblogprof

Second Class Victims: East German Children's Home Prisoners Ignored

Sexual abuse, solitary confinement and complete lawlessness -- children's homes in the former East Germany were hell on earth for many of the young people who passed through them. But unlike their fellow sufferers in the West, they are still waiting for a full reappraisal of the past.

Israeli Muslim Brotherhood Leader Arrested On Arson Charges

The Muslim Brotherhood continues its machinations with acts of arson in Israel, forcible gender segregation in Gaza and setting up a political party in Egypt...

The Global Caliphate and the Universal Delusion

I almost forgot how the Pundit Right smacked down Glenn Beck over his wholly rational concern that out of Tahrir Square a new caliphate might arise in the Islamic world until I read William Kristol's op-edthis week.

Earlier this month, Weekly Standard editor and Fox analyst Kristol had led off the anti-Beck attack with a heated column accusing Beck of "hysteria" for his "rants about the caliphate taking over the Middle East" and connections to the American Left. Kristol was seconded by National Review editor Rich Lowry. The New York Times' David Brooks entered the debate lambasting Beck for his "delusional ravings about the caliphate coming back" while "the conservative establishment" saw Mubarak's fall as "a fulfillment of Ronald Reagan's democracy dream." (Count me out.)

For the next week or so, taunting "delusional" Beck became a regular feature on cable TV. The Pundit Left congratulated the responsible Right for "addressing" the Beck "problem." And maybe a solution was near. "I've heard, from more than a couple of conservative sources, that prominent Republicans have approached Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes about the potential embarrassment that the paranoid-messianic rodeo clown may bring upon their brand," Time's Joe Klein blogged. "I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a mirror-Olbermann situation soon."
Somehow it all slipped my mind.

And then I read Kristol's Wednesday lament in the Washington Post over what he sees as President Obama's dithering over what he also sees as "Arab spring." This is a jarringly dainty euphemism for a blur of regional events that now includes: the triumphal return to Egypt of the poisonous Yusef al Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood's favorite cleric who just drew 2 million Egyptians back to Tahrir Square where he prayed for the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem; panicky EU promises of billions of dollars in aid (protection money?) to its "Southern neighborhood"; emergency preparations for as many as 300,000 Islamic "migrants" washing up on just Italy's shores any day. By the way, one disastrous effect of mass Islamic immigration (hijra) to Europe to date may be gleaned from the current political climate in which a new edition of Jean Raspail's 1973 novel "Camp of the Saints," the prophetic account of France's inability to survive massive Third World immigration, is expected to land the 85-year-old author and his publisher in a French court on "hate speech" charges.

But I digress, sort of. What is noteworthy about the beef against Beck is the rock-hard certitude with which his critics, Right and Left, dismiss the caliphate concept as though it were a mythological beast, not a historical system of Islamic governance still revered and yearned for by most Muslims. Speaking of Tahrir Square, a 2007 University of Maryland/WorldOpinon poll indicated that 74 percent of Egyptians favor "strict Shariah," while 67 percent favor a "caliphate" uniting all of Islam.

But woe to anyone who takes notice. Harvard historian Niall Ferguson, for example, was recently accused on a noted blog of "(slinging) caliphate tripe" when Ferguson pointed out that the Muslim Brotherhood "remains by far the best organized opposition force in the country, and wholly committed to the restoration of the caliphate and the strict application of Shariah." "Hilariously stupid" was the not-so-hilariously stupid comment.

But even if "Arab spring" should fail, Kristol writes, "there would be still be a case, for reasons of honor and duty ... to stand with the opponents of tyranny." Doing so, he continues, would not only "vindicate American principles and mean a gain for American interests but because we claim those American principles to be universal principles."

Here is what is "delusional": the belief that American principles -- freedom of religion, freedom of speech, equality before the law -- have a natural place as "universal principles" in a culture grounded in Shariah principles. This is the pure fantasy that has driven our foreign policy through a decade of "nation-building" wars. Meanwhile, the only way I know how to get to anything you might call "universal principles" into the Islamic world is through the establishment of ... a caliphate.

The Value of "Stuff"

The Value of "Stuff"
Education...In a nutshell, education is the future prosperity or destruction of this country. Yet our education system is failing. People on the left claim we don't "invest" enough of our tax dollars in education and if we simply tripled the education budget, all problems would be solved. People on the "right" claim that the real problem is the material we are using to teach with. That is a symptom, but not the root cause of the problem. The real problem with education is that we have made it a so called "right". Education is free for all and everyone gets an opportunity to attend school. Now, there are countries in Asia and Africa where families would kill to get their children just the opportunity to learn to read, meanwhile, in many inner cities the dropout rate is well over 50%. Why is that?
The answer is simple, and BHO's financial policies have demonstrated that answer perfectly. By flooding the world market with US dollars, they have become so easy to come by that they are losing their value. Money is a commodity and therefore people want it. We must make education a commodity as well and that means putting an end to the free ride education system. A child's education must be something of value in society. It must be of value to the parents as well as the children.
Question: How much value does something have in society where not only is it given away for free, but it becomes mandatory for people to take it, whether they want it or not?

The answer is none.

The solution is to make education something to fight for. Make education something to earn. Privatize the schools and allow them to compete. Give large tax incentives to low income parents of children who excel in school. Force parents to actually take the time to actually bring their children to and from the school they attend rather than sticking their children on free public bussing, after all, parenting is a responsibility, not a right. Set up different types of schools for children with different abilities. Above all, parents must have final say so in subject matter taught when it comes to moral, social and religious issues. One reason parents no longer take interest in their children's educations is that they are given no say whatsoever in what or how their children are taught. The problem with the Bush "no child left behind act" is that it should have been labelled the "no child gets ahead act" because that is how it, and the education system in general is set up. Rather than making an education system that is nothing more than a one size fits all production line, we must tailor the education system to the individual needs of individual students or the society based on individualism that we have come to love will be lost to the circular file of history.

One last thing, the same thing will happen to our healthcare system that is happening with our education system if those who want to destroy our country succeed in implementing obamahealthcaredestruction. Nobody in this country will even care about going to a doctor because it will be as tedious as the dmv and as useless as our education system.

Who is Anonymous? A look at the hacktivists aiding revolution in the Middle East

Amidst the revolutionary turmoil of the Middle East, the shadowy online hacker group known as “Anonymous” has spread its influence. Government websites in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, and Iran – as well as Zimbabwe and Italy — have been attacked and at times shutdown by the hacker group which claims it fights in its own way for freedom.

Leading the way in this new age of digital warfare, Anonymous has described its members as vigilante defenders of free speech and opponents of censorship. Their primary method of attack is distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), which rapidly overloads websites with simultaneous requests, freezing or crashing computer servers.

So who exactly are these hacktivists?

Modern Caliphate

The Islamic agenda is not coexistence, but dominion.

Internet Tax, Copyright, Security, Net Neutrality

Some Democrats still haven’t learned the lesson of the PCCC. The far left alternative to the DCCC published a Net Neutrality pledge for Democrats to sign. Every Democrat who signed it lost in November. Yet some Democrats continue to press that extremist agenda. It shows just how of touch Harry Reid’s Senate really is.

Possibly more importantly, the drive for the Internet Tax (which again, they call Universal Service Fund reform) continues from the left. The New York Times came out for it, and a group called Consumer Federation of America is even targeting Netflix specifically for an Internet tax. Watch out.   READ MORE

More Civilians Killed Last Year in One Mexican Border Town Than All Afghanistan

More civilians were killed last year in Ciudad Juarez, the Mexican city across the border from El Paso, Texas, than were killed in all of Afghanistan.

There were 3,111 civilians murdered in the city of Juarez in 2010 and 2,421 in the entire country of Afghanistan.

On a per capita basis, a civilian was 30 times more likely to be murdered last year in Juarez, where there are 1,328,017 inhabitants according to Mexico’s 2010 census, than in Afghanistan, where there are 29,121,286 people according to the CIA World Factbook.

The number of civilians killed in Afghanistan was compiled by the Congressional Research Service and published in a CRS report released on Feb. 3. The number of civilians killed in Juarez was compiled by Molly Molloy, a research librarian at New Mexico State University who maintains a count of murders Juarez and published it on the Frontera List Web site. Molloy’s work on civilian murders in Juarez was also referenced in a recent CRS report on Mexican drug cartels.

Much of the violence in Juárez is sparked by drug trafficking organizations battling over one of the major smuggling corridors into the United States.

In Afghanistan, the U.S. is in the tenth year of a war that has continued since the U.S. invaded the country in late 2001 to overthrow the Taliban regime that had given sanctuary to al Qaeda and to prevent al Qaeda from using that country as a base for terrorist attacks against the United States.

U.S. forces suffered 497 casualties in Afghanistan last year, making 2010 the deadliest year of the war for U.S. military personnel. Through Dec. 31, 2010, U.S. forces had suffered a total of 1,358 casualties in Afghanistan throughout the course of the war.

The CRS said that of the 2,421 civilians killed in Afghanistan in 2010, more than 60 percent were killed by “anti-government elements, which include the Taliban and other individuals or groups who engage in armed conflict with the government of Afghanistan or members of the International Military Forces.”

“Pro-government forces caused 21% of the total civilian deaths,” said CRS.

Alveda King: ‘The Most Dangerous Place for an African-American is in the Womb!’

Pro-life activist Alveda King reacted to the removal on Friday of a billboard advertisement in Manhattan that featured a black girl and the statement “the most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.”      “It is an outrageous act of censorship that this billboard was taken down,” King said. “This billboard should be posted in every city of the country.

Angry Union Member At The Maryland Union Solidarity Rally Against Gov. Scott Walker

VIDEO: Another Unhinged Leftist Blowhard Goes Ballistic at Pro-Union Rally

8-year-old arrested – for fifth time

He was charged with battery on a school employee, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and disruption of an educational institute.

US scientist dies of bubonic plague...

University of Chicago infectious disease specialist Ken Alexander still remembers the shock he felt almost 18 months ago when his pager shook with the message that a colleague had died from the plague.


The cost of unleaded has broken the barrier in 267 forecourts already and the number is set to increase sharply over the next few days.

Texas demographer: 'It's basically over for Anglos'...

Two of every three Texas children are now non-Anglo and the trend line will become even more pronounced in the future, said Murdock, former U.S. Census Bureau director and now director of the Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University.

International Socialists Orchestrate Unions‘ Rally to ’Save the American Dream’

Last fall, leftist ideological groups of socialists and communists teamed up with American labor unions to march together for “One Nation.” Now, as labor leaders struggle to maintain a stranglehold on collective bargaining privileges in Wisconsin, the same groups are once again marching together under a banner claiming unions are the heart of the American dream.

As we’ve reported, former White House green jobs czar Van Jones this week issued a rallying call for the progressive movement to “renew itself and become again a national force with which to be reckoned.” On Saturday, progressive groups and labor unions are reportedly planning to hold marches of solidarity in all 50 states.

Here in Washington, D.C., leftist activists at are co-hosting a rally Saturday with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). But behind the scenes, The Blaze has exclusively learned the rally has actually been organized by the International Socialist Organization.  (more)

And So Rationing Begins: ObamaCare vs. Breast Cancer Patients

Influenced by the president’s mandate to “bend the health care cost curve,” the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is preparing to deny late-stage breast cancer patients access to the critical, but expensive, life-extending drug Avastin. The FDA wants to “de-label” the drug, a move that would force patients with insurance or Medicare coverage to pay for the drug out of their own pocket in order to survive. Now patients groups are speaking out. Led by the Susan B. Komen Foundation for a Cure, 15 patient advocacy groups have petitioned the FDA to reverse their effort to ration the drug. In...

DuBois upholds right to bear arms - even at its meetings(PA)

DUBOIS - DuBois City Council does not want to impinge on anyone's Second Amendment right to bear arms. That was the message sent Thursday at its work session. Mayor Gary Gilbert read a prepared statement that said as long as people follow the proper rules and regulations, council believes it cannot impinge on one's right to carry a firearm into council chambers during meetings. The statement concluded by saying that the matter is closed as of yesterday. "We would hope that all those who attend would consider that carrying a firearm could be a distraction to the people coming to...

What's The Difference Between A Wisconsin Public Employee And A Somali Pirate?

This will be a bit personal, so bear with me. I’m not complaining; I’m trying to make a point. I’m 64-years-old. I’ve worked full-time for almost 40 years. I’ve diligently paid my taxes, – with the knowledge that most of it goes down the rathole of public spending. I obey the laws, even those I consider idiotic. My principal assets are a heavily-mortgaged house and a car manufactured about the time Paris Hilton lost her virginity. The car and my furnace should be living in a retirement community in Florida. Savings? I was too busy raising four children, and helping...

Colonel Gaddafi's family wealth takes shelter in London

COLONEL Gaddafi secretly deposited 3 billion pounds ($4.8bn) with one of London's Mayfair private wealth managers last week as he sought to protect his family's fortunes. The deal was brokered on his behalf by a Swiss-based intermediary who, it is understood, had previously approached another well-known City stockbroking firm five weeks ago with a view to depositing funds. However, when that stockbroker discovered the ultimate identity of the source of the funds, it advised the intermediary to take his business elsewhere. The chief executive of the firm told The Times: "I said no, because personally I'm not comfortable dealing with...

Wisconsin's Newest Progressive

"The Republican governor wants a new social contract." The state Capitol building in Madison has been occupied round-the-clock by protesters for nearly two weeks. Fourteen Democratic state senators are still on the lam, refusing to allow a vote on a budget-repair bill. And Gov. Scott Walker has been called everything from a new Hitler to rotting cheese. Yet the governor sounds unflappable. "I just finished eight years as county executive in Milwaukee last December," he told me during a telephone interview. "I've dealt with unions and angry legislators. I know anytime you challenge the status quo you have to be...

Sentence Reduced For Man Who Kept Housekeeper A Virtual Slave ( Saudi Muslims in Colorado )

A Saudi linguist convicted of sexually assaulting a housekeeper and keeping her a virtual slave for four years has won a partial reduction of his prison sentence from a Colorado judge. Homaidan al-Turki was resentenced on Friday to between eight years and life in prison for his convictions on sexual assault and other charges. His original sentence was 28 years to life.

Group of volunteers leading Wis. protest efforts (yeah right)

......The Capitol's north wing became a protester service center. Donated food laid out on tables fuels the villagers. ...morning begins with breakfast cereals and bagels. Later in the day, tables are stocked with tortilla chips, specialty breads and vegan bakery items from a coffee shop. Gallons of soup and chili arrive from a cafe, cheese spreads from several sources and thousands of slices of pizza from a restaurant. "We teach at the high school and work in community farms and with small businesses," said Mermaid Cafe owner David McKercher. "When the teachers are in trouble and the health profession is...

Deputy sheriffs' PFA paperwork reveals death threats, gun-pointing incidents

WILKES-BARRE - Two Luzerne County deputy sheriffs filed requests for protection-from-abuse orders against each other Friday, and both women allege murder threats and gun-pointing incidents. Mary Jean Farrell, 50, and Jennifer M. Roberts, 33, were living together on Arthur Circle in Fairview Township with Farrell's children, 13 and 11, and broke up as a couple when Roberts became involved with another woman, the court filings say. When Farrell asked Roberts to move out Feb. 9, Roberts pointed a gun at Farrell, Farrell alleges. "Don't you dare. I have kids," Farrell alleges she told Roberts. "Then she pointed it in her...

Websites to Google: 'You're killing our business!'

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Google made one of the biggest changes ever to its search results this week, which immediately had a noticeable effect on many Web properties that rely on the world's biggest search engine to drive traffic to their sites. The major tweak aims to move better quality content to the top of Google's search rankings. The changes will affect 12% Google's results, the company said in a blog post late Thursday. "Our goal is simple: to give users the most relevant answers to their queries as quickly as possible," said Gabriel Stricker, Google spokesman. "This requires constant...

Officials want to sell 'sexist' statue

NEW YORK, New York elected officials said they want to sell a controversial statue depicting a male "civic virtue" stepping on female figures of "vice" and "corruption." The "Triumph of Virtue" statue, which is more than 100 years old and stands in the city's Queens borough, has been described as sexist by U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., and City Councilwoman Julissa Ferreras, D-Jackson Heights, because it depicts a nude male figure trampling on a pair of female figures, the New York Daily News reported Friday. Weiner and Ferreras have suggested selling the statue on Craigslist to raise funds for the...

Sarah Palin: Even Conservatives Duped by Liberal Media Branding

This article is not about endorsing Sarah Palin for president. It is about illustrating the liberal media's ability to brand an image. Case in point, conservatives saying Palin is not smart enough to be president. The Left launched their "Sarah Palin is Stupid" campaign the next day after her incredible VP nomination acceptance speech. A woman, pretty, smart, witty, confident and bold with an ability to inspire and fire up the conservative base, Sarah Palin was the Left's worst nightmare. They were livid. The only thing which could have made it worse would have been if Palin was black. The...

Top 10 Parts Of The Constitution Twisted or Ignored By The Left

The United States Constitution is one of the most well thought-out works ever created by mere mortals. As the Federalist Papers make clear, America’s Founding Fathers carefully considered nearly every aspect of human nature, the demands of freedom, and the nature of government when drafting it, and created a system of government designed to effectively carry out its duties without imperiling liberty, and calibrated to properly balance society’s competing commitments to self-rule and objective morality, to liberty and security, and more. Under the Constitution, the United States became the freest, most prosperous, and most consequential nation in history. But to...

Guns on Campus Bill Advances (FL)

The Senate bill to allow anyone with a concealed-weapon permit to carry a gun on campus advanced through the Senate Rules Committee this week. University presidents and the Arizona Board of Regents oppose SB 1467. TW intern Jazmine Woodbury tells The Range: UA President Robert Shelton doesn’t want to see guns on campus. “I get my information from UAPD (the University Of Arizona Police Department), TPD (Tucson Police Department) and talking with colleges around the country,” said Shelton. “All of them, to a person, man, woman or child, say this bill, this opportunity to carry firearms on campus would create...

Shooting Down the ATF

Dealers get reprieve -- for now -- from proposed reporting requirement. A last-minute maneuvers by Oklahoma Democrat, U.S. Rep. Dan Boren, has foiled the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' attempt to demand gun dealers in four Southwestern states report sales involving multiple semi-automatic rifles. For now. Boren's attached an amendment blocking the ATF's proposed reporting requirement to a bill to fund the government for the remainder of the current fiscal year. The bill -- with Boren's amendment -- passed by a vote of 277-149 on Feb. 18. Boren said his amendment prevents the ATF from circumventing the will...

How About Adding a North Korea Crisis to the Mix?

With much of the rest of the world — Egypt, Iran, Libya, and others — in escalating turmoil and with other potential hot spots getting hotter, events on the Korean peninsula may well be getting less coordinated attention from the Obama administration even than they normally do, and even than they got when the still simmering Korean mess erupted late last year. More recently, the Obama administration found itself wallowing in bad intelligence and conflicting administration statements as to Egypt. That deficiency continues even as to Libya, the current hot spot de jour; the worldwide economic consequences of the situation...

During times of emergencies, Arkansans will have means of self-defense

Thursday, February 24th, the Arkansas House of Representatives passed SB115, sending this legislation to the desk of Governor Mike Beebe. SB115, sponsored by Senator Bill Sample and Representative Loy Mauch, received a unanimous 89-0 vote from the floor of the House. I blogged about it here, yesterday. Liberal Little Rock gun-haters were not too pleased. They recognize the writing on the wall with this piece of legislation, and they have no ammunition to fight back against it. Heck, they don’t even have the soldiers. Eleven representatives failed to vote on this bill, and they backed out for three reasons; governments...

House speaker supports gun legislation, despite others’ concerns

CONCORD – House Speaker William O’Brien, R-Mont Vernon, personally signed onto legislation that would make New Hampshire the fourth state to allow concealed guns to be carried without a permit. But law enforcement leaders, gun victims and some gun owner rights leaders from differing perspectives criticized the plan across the spectrum. Some attacked it as either a too open-ended policy that threatens public safety while other Second Amendment defenders said it does not deliver enough freedom for the right to bear arms. Rep. Jennifer Coffey, R-Andover, said her bill (HB 330) may need some tweaking but the current system of...

What Do You Do When the Government Revolts?

Fresh off his success destabilizing the government in Egypt, President Obama is now taking aim at domestic tyrants — beginning with Republican Gov. Scott Walker in Wisconsin. This time, rather than help the Muslim Brotherhood assume power for the first time, Obama is desperately trying to keep public employee unions —call it the Collective Brotherhood — in power. Why? Unions spent $400 million dollars electing Obama in 2008, and although Barack does not appear to comprehend the damage crippling deficits do to the nation, he’s well aware of what a $400 million dollar hole will do to his re–election budget....

Obamacare Isn't Even Popular When Over-Sampling Democrats

The newly released Kaiser Health Tracking Poll shows that, by a margin of 27 percentage points (59 to 32 percent), seniors have an "unfavorable," rather than a "favorable," opinion of Obamacare. The same poll also shows that, by a margin of 5 points (48 to 43 percent), Americans as a whole have an "unfavorable," rather than a "favorable," opinion of the overhaul. That’s not so striking in itself, but it is when you consider this fact:(PDF) Only 24 percent of the poll's respondents were Republicans.About half of the poll's remaining respondents, 36 percent of the overall tally, were Democrats. This 3-to-2 ratio...

Budget FlimFlam: Spend More & Report Cuts

February 20, 2011 | By BoomerJeff Much of the media’s “information” about the federal budget is deception made possible by the arcane budgeting process in Congress. President Obama didn’t invent the process. But he’s an enthusiastic practitioner of the deception.When the President delivered his budget to Congress the media shouted “$1.1 trillion in cuts!” Did this mean the government would spend $1.1 Trillion less? Nope. As the chart at the bottom of this article shows, Obama’s own budget calls for ten years of continuous spending increases.Decoding the “information” in the media starts with understanding two key words in government budgeting:...

Obama's Favorite General "Hoss" Cartwright Cleared In Defense Dept Inspector General Probe

© 2011 Just a few months ago, (see related stories box below), Gen. James "Hoss" Cartwright's many enemies were celebrating him being investigated for having an affair with one of his female aides. It seems they popped the cork on the champagne too soon. The 61 year-old former fighter-pilot is a master of survival, and his blatant sucking up of both Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden has paid off in a big way. Gen. Cartwright has been "cleared" by the Pentagon Inspector General's Office of any wrong-doing, and while he was very mildly rebuked for his judgment and...

Obama: The President Who Lost America? (Recent history thru the eyes of an ultra-lefty)

Jimmy Carter was vilified by his enemies as the president who" lost Iran". JFK was decried by the right and the Mafia as the mug who "lost Cuba". The hysterical McCarthyites of the early 1950s fulminated endlessly that Harry S Truman "lost China" (not to mention "losing" Eastern Europe). Is Barack Obama on a glide path to the legacy as the president who "lost America"? The man who was elected as much on his snake oil speechifying as on the bumper sticker of "the change we can believe in", has since then pretty much never missed an opportunity to miss...


This is serious stuff, the kind that serious people are trying to fix, while unserious people continue to lie, sloganeer, pitch a fit, or just run away. When you students were hauling signs around for the greybeards at Bitch Fair On The Square, your solidarity brothers and sisters probably didn’t tell you that you will have to work past 70 so they can keep on retiring in their 50’s, did they? I didn’t think so.

Update: Santorum (Correctly) Attacks GOP on DOMA, Has Gay Friends?

The GOP is a bunch of pussies, says former Senator Rick Santorum. Why else would they remain quiet over the last couple days as the Obama Administration openly discredits the Constitution? The former Pennsylvania Senator – and object of public ridicule, always – spoke with USA Today recently on his way home from Iowa. In the conversation, he makes fun of John Boehner and claims to have “Gay friends.” He says President Obama is “siding with folks” who say limiting marriage to heterosexual couples is “somehow unconstitutional,” a position he calls “pretty radical, in my opinion.” Specifically, Santorum called on...

Iraq's largest oil refinery shut by bombing

Iraq's largest oil refinery was shut down on Saturday after militants carried out a bomb attack and set it on fire, the governor of Salahuddin province said. The militants killed four people and planted bombs at production units for kerosene and benzene at the refinery in the town of Baiji, a former al Qaeda stronghold about 180 km (112 miles) north of Baghdad, Governor Ahmed al-Jubouri said. "There is a big fire in the refinery and the refinery has completely stopped," Jubouri told Reuters. Overall violence in Iraq has dropped sharply since the peak of sectarian conflict in 2006-07, but...


The Democrat palace guard of America's dying monodailies are doing a grand job in reporting the current stand-off in Wisconsin. A headline in The New York Times sums up the media's bizarre enthusiasm for sacrificing what remains of their reputations in order to protect the cause: Billionaire Brothers' Money Plays Role in Wisconsin Dispute The dogged John Hinderaker of Powerline is endeavoring to get some answers from the shy and retiring Eric Lipton as to the basis for certain aspects of his story. But I find the headline alone so perverse you wonder how, even at the Times, it could...

Has Anyone Told Ambassador Rice There’s a Crisis In Libya?

When President Obama made Susan Rice his ambassador to the United Nations, in 2009, he thought the job was so vital that he gave her cabinet rank. Now, here we are, with the Arab world in tumult, two dictators gone in the past two months, and the UN aflutter over scenes of Libyans dying this past week by the hundreds, or thousands, in outright rebellion against a raving Moammar Qaddafi — who has been vowing to “fight to the last drop of blood.” Qaddafi’s atrocities are so visibly horrific that the UN Security Council has been meeting on Libya in...

Health-care jabs bloody up Mitt Romney

Former Gov. Mitt Romney came under new fire from all sides yesterday over his landmark Bay State health-care overhaul as potential 2012 Republican rivals and local Democrats took turns blasting the GOP presidential front-runner. “I’ve talked to residents of Massachusetts, and what I’ve gotten is that (health-care reform is) really not working well at all,” said former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, who is believed to be considering a 2012 bid. Johnson declined to comment on whether health care will hurt Romney’s candidacy, saying, “whatever the criticism is about a candidate, everyone already knows it. I don’t (have to) say...

Time to Reconsider Partition For Bosnia

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has warned the feuding ethnic factions in Bosnia and Herzegovina that if they did not resolve their differences, their country was in danger of missing its opportunity to join the European Union and NATO and become a vibrant part of the modern, democratic West. Unfortunately, there are few indications that her message will be heeded. The elections that took place shortly before Clinton’s visit once again confirmed that Bosnia is a fragile, artificial political entity with little prospect for improved viability. Most media accounts in the United States and Europe highlighted the victory of...

2004 Dodge Pickup Runs on 100% Water

Inventor Frederick W. Wood, and his associate, David Seigler, from Future Energy Concepts, Inc., give a video tour of the pickup truck that they claim to have converted to run on nothing but hydroxy gas, electrolyzed on-board, and on-demand, via a super-efficient electrolysis (from water) method they have developed. Their system allegedly produces 55 liters per minute on 55 amps. They also say the truck recently completed a road trip of more than 3000 miles, running on this set-up. These guys crack me up. Their personality, excited about their development, is contagious and funny. I could see this video going...

GOP urges price-gouging probe on gas (2006 with Pelosi rant)

SNIP Hastert and Frist asked Bush to direct the Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission to investigate the rising oil prices and also will request that certain areas be exempt from having to use a more expensive but cleaner blend of gasoline. One FTC official, though, told CNN that the trade commission can only look into anti-competitive practices and has no legal authority to investigate price gouging. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, dismissed Hastert's and Frist's letter as "empty rhetoric." "With skyrocketing gas prices, it is clear that the American people can no longer afford the Republican Rubber Stamp...

Coming To A City Near You (What Mexican Youtube Videos Say About Our Border Policy)

While the police dragnet for the murderers of ICE agent Jaime Zapata continues, in spite of potential obstruction by a systematically corrupt Mexican polity, the brutality of the cartels that are thought to have been behind his murder continues to be documented by the news media. Thanks to Boing Boing, we’ve learned of the lengths to which paramilitary drug cartels such as the Zetas will go in order to intimidate their criminal rivals. In this case, posting the most gruesome images from their attacks on the popular video-sharing website owned by Google. As hideous as these videos might seem, they’re...

British forces would struggle to mount small military intervention, claim officers

They have also warned that the chances of an operation to rescue civilians from a conflict like Libya would become remote in the coming months as more and more equipment is pushed out of service under defence cuts. Their comments come after Forces chiefs warned the Prime Minister that cuts to Harrier jets and aircraft carrier Ark Royal would put personnel at “considerable risk”. The Army has only one battalion on standby for emergency operations called the Spearhead Lead Element and this is said to be struggling to get the correct equipment for training. The Army has only one battalion...

UK to Libyan officials: Defect or face war crimes charges

Senior Libyan officials are receiving a dire warning from Britain: desert Muammar Gaddafi or face trial for crimes against humanity, The Guardian reported on Friday. The report comes as the United Nations Security Council was set to reconvene Saturday to discuss a draft resolution proposing sanctions against Libya, written by the UK and France, suggesting that war crimes may have been committed by the desperate regime of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Already, the Libyan justice minister, interior minister, high-ranking military commanders, senior members in the regime's revolutionary committees and a slew of diplomats including at the United Nations posted abroad...

The Democrats' Left Turn

DID THE DEMOCRATS LEARN ANYTHING from the midterm elections? It didn't take long for the party's congressional wing, at least, to reveal that the answer is "no." House Democrats didn't just retain ousted Speaker Nancy Pelosi... --snip-- Yet liberals are not in the mood to let these Democratic senators do what it takes to win re-election. Politico reported on the rebellion on the left against Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), a darling of the netroots during the 2006 campaign, for his vote against the DREAM Act. "Not only will I do absolutely nothing to help his reelection bid, but I will...

THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

Here is a compilation of the statements, questions, and videos of the many high-profile personalities and leaders who have raised questions about Barack Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office. WND has reported on multiple legal challenges to Obama over his status as a "natural born citizen." The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President." Rush Limbaugh Sean Hannity MSNBC'S Chris Matthews Orioles slugger Luke Scott Talk radio host Laura...

ATTN Tea Party Patriots and Concerned Taxpayers : Wanted Teachers who care

Tea Party Patriots and Concerned Taxpayers, we need to show Governor Walker of Wisconsin that we are able to fill those teachers who may not return to work soon. I am asking you to tell your teaching friends who want to teach the children real education and who understand that Wisconsin can not continue to be strong armed by the unions who are helping to drive Wisconsin into the hole financially to please email, or mail their resumes into Governor Walker with a note that shows your support for his plan on helping fix the budget of his state. Let...

Bogus statistic from Wisconsin union backers spreads in media despite being debunked

“A lie can make it half way around the world before the truth has time to put its boots on” – like a false statistic recently disseminated by supporters of Wisconsin’s government-employee unions. Despite being debunked by PolitiFact, it has since been widely repeated in multiple letters to the editor, and it remains uncorrected on the web sites of publications like The Economist. On Wednesday, PolitiFact debunked the claim by Wisconsin union supporters that Virginia, which bans collective bargaining in state agencies, ranks 44th in the nation in ACT/SAT scores, compared to Wisconsin ranking 2nd. For example, it noted that...

First Amendment flameout

Free speech is about the honest ex change of ideas, a fundamental principle of liberal democracy. So why are allegedly liberal city Democrats seeking to silence speech? On Thursday, after a 48-hour full-court press from the legislative and political establishment, a Soho anti-abortion billboard ad was taken down. The ad's text, by a picture of a young black girl, read, "The most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb," with a Web site for more info. Sure, the rhetoric is provocative. But facts are indeed stubborn things. * African-Americans make up 13 percent of the US population --...

So much for civility: Bam mum as Left gets vile

President Obama's new era of civility was over be fore it began. America has been overrun by foul-mouthed, fist-clenching wildebeests. Yes, the Tea-Party movement is responsible -- for sending these liberal goons into an insane rage, that is. It is Obama's rank-and-file "community organizers" on the streets fomenting the hate against their political enemies. Not the other way around. The trendy new epithet among Big Labor organizers who've been camping out at the Madison, Wis., Capitol building for more than a week to block GOP Gov. Scott Walker's budget reform bill: "Koch whore." Classy, huh? It's a reference to the...

I am a Johnny Cash conservative

Sarah Palin reminds me more of a Johnny Cash conservative.

Democratic Party News - Social Justice

Democratic Party News - Social Justice. Each conservative has a term for the left. The “commies” and “pinkos” of the ’40s and ’50s became the “libs” and “socialists” of the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s. Presently, some have floated such evocative terms as “Fabians” and “progressives.” Others have come to call the left “Democrats.” Regardless of the terminology, contemporary conservatives should recognize the left by the fruit it bears. The left embraces “social justice,” a concept in which the State — not the individual, guided by the Constitution or any god — is the ultimate authority to determine the best interest...

Russia confirms plans to supply Syria with Yakhont missiles (Update 1)

Russia confirms plans to supply Syria with Yakhont missiles (Update 1) Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Saturday Russia has not dropped its plans to supply Syria with Yakhont missiles. "The contract [on supplies] is in progress," Serdyukov told journalists in Vladivostok, Russia's Far East. Russia earlier announced it would honor a 2007 contract on the delivery of several Bastion anti-ship missile systems armed with SS-N-26 Yakhont supersonic cruise missiles to Syria, despite efforts by Israel and the United States to stop the deal. The Yakhont missile has a range of 300 kilometers, the capacity to carry a 200-kilogram...

Iran suffers major setback at nuclear plant

Iran told atomic inspectors this week that it had run into a serious problem at a newly completed nuclear reactor that was supposed to start feeding electricity into the national grid this month, raising questions about whether the trouble was sabotage, a startup problem, or possibly the beginning of the project’s end. In a report on Friday, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran told inspectors on Wednesday that it was planning to unload nuclear fuel from its Bushehr reactor — the sign of a major upset. For years, Tehran has hailed the reactor as a showcase of its peaceful...

Florida university lets imam who was involved with ’93 WTC bombing speak

Florida university lets imam who was involved with ’93 WTC bombing speak. A radical Muslim imam who was named as an unindicted coconspirator in the 1993 WTC bombing spoke last night at the University of Central Florida, a guest of the Muslim Student Association’s Islam Awareness Month celebrations. Despite complaints all week long, UCF did not ban the terror-supporting imam from speaking and instead bowed down to the pressure from its Muslim Student Association and its schedule of events for this month. Imam Siraj Wahhaj is an African-American convert to Islam, who has been criticized repeatedly for being a hatemonger...

Polish-Israeli Government Meeting Angers Palestine Supporters

Polish-Israeli Government Meeting Angers Palestine Supporters By Marcin Sobczyk The Polish and Israeli governments held a top-level meeting in Jerusalem on Wednesday and Thursday to discuss issues ranging from education to military cooperation. Groups of Palestine supporters who refuse to recognize the State of Israel protest against the meeting and the choice of the venue. Poland-based “Campaign of Solidarity with Palestine” dressed the fake palm tree standing at a busy Warsaw roundabout in a keffiyeh in protest. “It’s a bad moment for a meeting like that,” Przemyslaw Wielgosz, the campaign’s activist, said according to daily Rzeczpospolita. “Most importantly, the issue...

Global Warming Activist's Plan to Split the Earth

As part of my continuing effort to develop credentials as an environmental journalist, I offer you this sensational breaking world exclusive. (Previous EJ article.) It's the perfect solution to everything. It's said to represent the keenest investment ever in the future of personkind ever conceived. It will at once solve the climate change problem, provide a virtually unlimited natural energy source, relieve over-population, create jobs and boost economic growth, stimulate futuristic research and development, and initiate a new age of political prosperity and world peace. I'm serious. It's really really scientific. All we need to do is spit the...

Gingrich: If Palin Took Obama Actions, There Would Be Calls for Impeachment

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV Friday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said President Barack Obama’s decision not to fully enforce the Defense of Marriage law eventually could lead to a constitutional crisis, as he has directly violated his constitutional duties by arbitrarily suspending a law. Gingrich even suggested that, if a “President Sarah Palin” had taken a similar action, there would have been immediate calls for her impeachment. Clearly it’s a violation of his constitutional oath. Clearly it is not something that can be allowed to stand." Obama Attorney General Eric Holder said on Wednesday that the administration will...

What Wisconsin Unions Could Learn from Hollywood Unions(video)

Poliwood discusses unions and the movies. Both Lionel and Roger were both board members of the WGA, so they have first hand experience with union culture and benefits. It turns out that unions drove costs so high that they drove film production out of Hollywood. Are unions promoting esoteric philosophies at the expense of the well being of their members? Find out.

Friday, February 25, 2011

10 Things You Need to Know About High Gas Prices and Obama’s Oil Policy

This week the media’s attention is finally focused on oil prices. After two years of continually rising consumer gas prices in America, the oil futures market has captivated the Mideast storyline. And attention is much needed. December 2010 saw the highest gas prices for the month of December in our nation’s history. This month, we’re setting similar records with the national average of $3.14/gallon [1]–fifty cents higher than it was a year ago. If this trend continues, the summer of 2011 will hit consumers much harder than in the summer of 2008 when prices soared above $4/gallon. But if you...

Free-Speech NYC

First Amendment: Progressive, cosmopolitan New York City fancies itself the world capital of free thinking. But on one issue, Manhattan might as well be located within a fascist state. A black clergyman in Texas, the Rev. Stephen Broden, and his organization Life Always wanted to broadcast during Black History Month a potent protest against abortion in a location where millions disagree with his position. Broden believes "the staggering number of abortions within the African-American community is threatening the sustainability of the African-American race in the United States." So his group paid for a giant image in Manhattan's SoHo district south...

US economic recovery weaker than thought

The US economic recovery was weaker than previously estimated at the end of last year, which could add to concern about its ability to withstand the impact of higher oil prices driven by turmoil in the Middle East. US gross domestic product increased at an annualised rate of 2.8 per cent in the fourth quarter, compared with an earlier government projection of 3.2 per cent growth. Economists had been expecting a small upward revision. The disappointment was partly due to a downward estimate of consumer spending, which rose by 4.1 per cent instead of 4.4 per cent for the quarter....

Is Sarah Palin qualified to be President? Yes.

Let me start off by saying, I have no political power or have ever been in a position of the people. However, I am an American who can elect people into that power. And the greatest election of them all is the office of the President of the United States. So what do all voters ask themselves before voting for a Presidential candidate? Are they qualified to do the job. Now the main point I want to talk about is the upcoming 2012 presidential election. And specifically Sarah Palin. This election has already been widely publicized by the media. There’s

Republicans attack Obama homeowner relief

WASHINGTON (CNNMoney) -- In the latest blow to Obama signature programs, Republicans are now aiming to kill several White House plans aimed at keeping underwater borrowers in their homes. The House GOP announced hearings for next week aimed at ending "failed and ineffective" housing programs. The four plans on the chopping block include the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, the Federal Housing Administration Refinance Programs and the Emergency Homeowner Relief Fund. The move would save about $38 billion remaining and unspent by the four programs, according to House Republicans. "In an era of record-breaking deficits, it's...

Does Obama Want $8 Gasoline?

Energy Policy: While we sit on abundant oil and natural gas reserves, prices at both the wellhead and the pump are rising on fears of spreading Mideast turmoil and short domestic supply. But then, maybe that's the plan. The silver lining for this administration in the gathering storm over the Middle East may be what it's doing and may yet do to energy prices. The average price for gasoline jumped nearly 12 cents a gallon last week to $3.287, according to AAA. But at the White House, that's not necessarily bad news. Oil has surged to 2 1/2-year highs as...

Recall And Let Go

Teacher Protests: Wisconsin public employees are skipping work and lawmakers have fled the state and neglected their duties. Time for some people to lose their jobs. What's going on in the Badger State is a disgrace. Unionized teachers have cut classes to protest at the Capitol and resorted to fake doctors' excuses to get away with their truancy. Some educators have placed their students in the demonstrations. State and local workers who belong to unions have also walked off their jobs to join the fracas. Meanwhile, 14 Democratic state senators who don't belong to organized labor but who with one...

Two-Thirds of S.Koreans Support Nuclear Armament

Two-Thirds of S.Koreans Support Nuclear Armament Two out of three South Koreans believe the country should arm itself with nuclear weapons in response to the North Korean nuclear threat, according to handouts distributed at the National Assembly on Thursday by former Grand National Party chairman Chung Mong-joon. According to the handout based on a poll of 1,000 adults across the country from Feb. 18, 66.8 percent of respondents agreed the nation needs nuclear arms, with 34.4 percent ticking "strongly support the idea" and 32.5 percent saying "mostly agree." But 29.1 percent disagreed. Some 67.1 percent of respondents think the current...

China Fills Libya Power Void

Geopolitics: As Libya's regime crumbles, China's navy is steaming toward the Tripoli coast in an unprecedented show of sea power. Why isn't our Navy there first? Technically speaking, there's nothing amiss in the Chinese sending a warship to help evacuate its 30,000 nationals as the Libyan dictatorship collapses. On Friday, China's defense ministry announced it was dispatching the missile frigate Xuzhou from the Gulf of Aden to the Libyan coast on a mission to protect its people. This is what any great power with a battleship does — not just keep the peace, but let troublemakers know a big stick...

'No evidence' of problems with Hawaii health chief

There is no evidence that there were problems with the work of Dr. Neal Palafox, who had been chosen by Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie to replace Chiyome Fukino, the woman best known to the rest of the nation as the guardian of Barack Obama's birth certificate. That's according to an attorney representing Palafox, Brook Hart. WND reported earlier that the minority leader in Hawaii's state Senate accused Abercrombie of politicizing the health department by nominating, then apparently asking for the resignation, of Palafox. Sen. Sam Slom, the only Republican in the state Senate, said he is convinced Abercrombie asked Palafox...

Union Power for Thee, But Not for Me

The union horde is spreading, from Madison to Indianapolis to a state capital near you. And yet the Democratic and union bigwigs engineering the outrage haven't directed their angry multitudes at what is arguably the most "hostile workplace" in the nation: Washington, D.C. It will no doubt surprise you to learn that President Obama, the great patron of the working man, also happens to be the great CEO of one of the least union-friendly shop floors in the nation.

Banned From Canadistan (Muslims complain, Canada obeys)

On Thursday, March 24, I was denied entry to Canada. After six hours’ detention and sporadic interrogation at Vancouver airport I was escorted to the next flight to Seattle. .... ...I’ve visited Canada some two dozen times since the Bosnian war ended; ironically, one of those visits, in February 2000, was to provide expert testimony before the Canadian House of Commons in Ottawa. Why should the Canadian authorities suddenly decide to keep me out of the country now, and for transparently spurious reasons? Well, because the Muslims told them so. The campaign started when a Bosnian-Muslim propaganda front, calling itself...

What is the 80/20 Poll Rule?

And while we are most intrigued by 2012 Presidential Polls, we also realize that they are the most volatile. They are good, however, for establishing floors of certain candidates for certain criteria. Prime example: Sarah Palin. We can accurately assume that Sarah Palin’s floor is at 40% because she sits their having received the full attack of the MSM, and establishment D and R operatives. And we can assume that Newt Gingrich’s ceiling is at 41%, having maxed out here despite years of no negative press (we can assume that as history revives, Gingrich will not thrive).

Dingell foe Mulls Michigan Senate Race ( Dr Rob Steele vs. Stabenow !)

The lack of a dominate Senate candidate for Michigan Republicans is opening up a window of opportunity for a wild card contender, such as former congressional candidate Rob Steele.

Motorists facing £6 a gallon at the pump due to Libya crisis ( UK )

At one point the price of Brent Crude spiked on the London market, hitting $119.79 a barrel – $8.54 higher than when trading started yesterday morning. “This is further bad news for motorists and forecourts as this increase looks set to coincide with the introduction of the ill thought out fuel duty escalator adding a further five pence per litre at the pump,” Mr Madderson said. According to Mr Madderson motorists’ plight is being worsened by retailers difficulties in borrowing money to pay for fuel. ... Air travel is also likely to become dearer. British Airways has already imposed a...

comattiFormer 'MADD' Chapter President Busted for DUI

GAINESVILE, Fla. (KTLA) -- The former president of a Gainesville, Fla. chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or MADD, is facing DUI charges, according to the Gainesville Sun. 48-year-old Debra Oberlin was pulled over last week after officers reportedly spotted her driving erratically. She blew a .234 and a .239 on a pair of breathalyzer tests, the Sun reports, well over Florida's .08 legal limit. Oberlin apparently told officers she'd had four beers. Oberlin has not commented. She was the president of Gainesville's MADD chapter for three years. The chapter closed in 1996 due to a lack of funds.

Head Start Is Closing Down All Over

My sister who works for Head Start says next Friday is it in CA. They had a meeting today saying they are all gone. She was told it is all closing at least in this state and maybe across the nation at least in part. Sure, budget issues is the way it goes, but how long before we get more bonds and BS (FOR THE CHILDREN)? The Los Angeles times in the source link is there to show you they already blamed Republicans even though in this state the Democrats run the show.


Saying that Muammar Gadhafi “has lost the confidence of his people,” (ya think?) the White House announced “sweeping unilateral sanctions” against the dictator’s regime today. Obama’s press secretary, Jay Carney explained that the following “crippling measures” will go into effect “more or less” immediately: Gadhafi must refrain from blaming the United States and al Qaeda for the Libyan uprising IN THE SAME SENTENCE. Beginning immediately, the colonel must only accuse one or the other at a time. Carney explained that since left-wing pundits have started to refer to Obama as an “Arabist,” the continued linkage of America and al Qaeda...

Help defund the unions by forbidding the use of state funds to collect union dues

Today I had an absolutely BRILLIANT thought (if I must say so myself). Why not make it illegal to use state funds, computers, and personnel to collect union dues? I mean, why should the state have to spend taxpayer money to collect the union dues and distribute them to the unions? Make the individuals contribute the money themselves through an automatic band draft or write a check. The unions will have HELL trying to collect their dues!

Obama Administration Declares War on Jenkem

War on Jenkem DeclaredJenkem is very bad for you and Obama wants to protect you from itThe administration has announced that it will begin a campaign to combat the widespread use of jenkem among American youth. Jenkem was originally used by street children in Zambia to obtain a "powerful high". In 2002, Project Concern International Zambia and Fountain of Hope released a report entitled "Rapid Assessment of Street Children In Zambia," where Jenkem is listed as the third most popular drug among Zambia's street children, following Dagga (cannabis) and "glue and Dagga" but ahead of "Ballan" (uncured tobacco) and petrol....

From Obama to Khaddafi, a Tale ofTwo Tyrants

A Tryst of Two Tyrants While Americans are going hungry and cutting back, not because Michelle Obama told them to, but because they can't afford it-- the White House is throwing yet another party. This time to celebrate the cultural accomplishments of Motown complete with performances by trendy musicians. It's funny how the media breathlessly reports that Khaddafi spent 1 million dollars to fly in one singer or another for a performance, and yet the White House has flown in far more singers, at doubtlessly far greater expense to throw themselves a party. If Khaddafi was a wastrel madmen for...

VIDEO: Union Goon Rips Tea Party (LANGUAGE WARNING)

Eyeblast TV ( Media Research Center

2010 Q4 GDP adjusted downward to 2.8%. Initial estimates at 3.2%

Last month, the Obama administration claimed success with the 2010 Q4 annualized GDP growth rate estimate from Commerce of 3.2%. Today, Commerce has issued its customary follow-up estimate, and the news is not as bright. Their 2010 Q4 estimate dropped to 2.8%, barely above Q3′s 2.6% — with one more estimate still left: Real gross domestic product — the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States — increased at an annual rate of 2.8 percent in the fourth quarter of 2010, (that is, from the third quarter to the fourth quarter), according...

Why women don’t contribute to opinion pages as often as men & what we can do about it

Women have made the case for years that there aren’t enough female voices in the opinion pages. The root of the problem, though, isn’t so much that news organizations aren’t featuring female contributors; it’s that they aren’t contributing in the first place. The reasons they cite are endless, says Catherine Orenstein, founder of the Op-Ed Project, which is designed to enrich public conversation by expanding the range of voices we hear, and especially by increasing the number of women who participate. I’m not an expert in anything. You should really ask another person. I don’t want to be pretentious or...

Iran: Ships 'Message of Peace' for Muslims(and Death to the Infidels)

 Iran said in a statement Wednesday night that its dispatching of two warships to the Mediterranean was meant as a “message of peace for all Muslim nations.” ........... On Wednesday, President Shimon Peres called the Iranian mission a provocation of Israel. A spokesman for the Pentagon, Dave Lapan, said that "We have said generally that Iran's actions are not helpful, but we would expect that these Iranian ships would adhere to international law no matter where they operate.”

At least five shot dead in the Libyan capital...[B4 calling allies Obama hosts party]

At least five people were believed to have been killed in Libya when forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi opened fire on protesters. One resident in the Janzour district of Tripoli said the shootings happened as demonstrators shouted anti-Gaddafi slogans in the Fashloum district, in the east of Tripoli. Thousands of Libyans were called to a mass demonstration in Colonel Gaddafi’s stronghold - in defiance of shoot-on-sight directives issued to the military. The outpouring of anger in Green Square after Friday prayers was seen as particularly significant as areas loyal to the Libyan leader dwindle. The news came after Barack Obama...

Pay as You Go vs. Investments

Consider first a static economy, with no inflation, no population growth, and stable wages. Under these conditions the rate of return for a pay as you go system is exactly zero, the same as putting money in a mattress. Social Security is purely insurance against living longer than average, with the benefits paid for by those who die younger than average. (Social Security also transfers some wealth between those making upper middle class wages over a long career to those making lower class wages.)

Union Dues Exemption Sample Letter (defund unions by giving dues money to charity)

RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION LETTER regarding union dues Union Dues Exemption Sample Letter Sample Letter Date Name, President Name of Union Address City, State, Zip Dear (PRESIDENT’S NAME): I have been informed that under the collective bargaining agreement between (UNION AND LOCAL #) and (COMPANY), I am being asked to join the union. I am herewith requesting exemption from the above. It is my sincere religious conviction that I cannot join or financially support an employee’s union. This request is not based on any hard feelings toward any individual or to the labor organization. Rather, it is based on principles I...

Vermont Patients Can Look Forward To NHS Quality

As Capital Hill noted last month, Vermont looks to be on the way to establishing a single-payer health care system. The single-payer fever is spreading throughout New England. This week the head of MassHealth, Massachusetts’ Medicaid program, said he favors a single-payer system too. New Englanders would do well to point-and-click their way over to “Patient Opinion”, a website that collects both compliments and complaints about the National Health Service in the United Kingdom.

(Calif) Proposition 75 - Public Employee Union Dues. Restrictions on Political Contributions.

(From 2005)Unions in California spent tens of millions of dollars to defeat this proposition. It required the union to receive permission every year from its individual members to use dues money for political purposes. This legislation is needed in every state before our entire economy collapses. Tens of millions of dollars, maybe hundreds of millions, can be taken away from the union thugs. ========================================= RESULTS as of Nov 23 4:01pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (17726/17726) Information shown below: Summary | Fiscal Impact | Yes/No Meaning | Official Information | Arguments | Should public employee unions be required to obtain annual...

The Unholy Trinity: Obama, Wright-Farrakhan, Gadhafi

Have you wondered why Obama hasn't asked Gadhafi to step down after he has killed hundreds if not thousands of his own people; especially, after he told Mubarak he had to step down because of demonstrations. Surprise, Obama has had very close ties with the man who ordered and financed the Lockerbie bombing. Gadahfi is a madman, a homicidal psychopathic maniac; yet our president wants to give him the benefit of the doubt. Gadahfi speaks well of Obama, last September at the United Nations, he referred to Obama as "My son" or "Our son" on several occasions. "Can you guarantee...

Freely Available Information Hidden in MSU's Reply to Freedom of Information Request

When Michigan State University sent a Freedom of Information Act response that was full of redactions, it claimed it was withholding information due to federal laws and university policies related to the ongoing plagiarism investigation of a professor. But the Mackinac Center for Public Policy has learned that one of the numerous redactions was the Midland think tank’s own news article about the plagiarism, raising questions about how the school responds to Freedom of Information Act requests. The Mackinac Center for Public Policy made a FOIA request for some documents related to a plagiarism investigation involving Sharif Shakrani, senior scholar...

'Arab unrest signals Messiah's coming' (Prominent rabbis explanations for Mideast uprisings)

Prominent rabbis from the Lithuanian ultra-Orthodox sector have offered their own curious interpretations for the upheaval that is spreading through the Middle East, stating that the events are a clear proof that a higher power is at work. Orthodox Lithuanian sector in Bnei Brak, as blaming the instability in the region on contemptuous attitudes towards Torah study. "Recently it appears that there is a powerful effort to destroy and agitate the world of the Torah, through various attempts to prosecute kollels and yeshiva students," Steinman said. "When you try to agitate the world of the Torah, God agitates the world."...

How to Insure Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions

Like a hammer that sees every problem as a nail, many politicians think the solution to every problem is legislation that erodes our liberties. You might believe the ObamaCare offers the only way to cover people with pre-existing conditions — if you read only Colorado Public News’s misleading “fact check� on Colorado representatives and the contested health care bill. Actually, ObamaCare makes things worse, not better, for people with pre-existing conditions. Our representatives should support better alternatives.ObamaCare requires insurers to offer a policy to any applicant, at pretty much the same price regardless of the applicant’s health or expected medical...

Mississippi Rates as the Most Conservative U.S. State(Vermont, Rhode Island,DC most liberals)

Mississippi is the first state to exceed 50% conservative identifiers in the three years Gallup has compiled ideological identification at the state level. Explore complete state data > The top 10 rankings make clear that conservative identification is much more common than liberal identification, with each of the top 10 conservative states at or above 45% identification and only the District of Columbia exceeding 31% liberal identification. In the nation as a whole, Americans are about twice as likely to identify as conservative as they are to identify as liberal, a pattern that has persisted for many years. Americans are...

Common Yugoslav army "reunited" in Afghanistan

BELGRADE, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- After having torn apart their common former homeland during the bloody wars of secession during the 1990s, the armies of the former republics of Yugoslavia -- at least most of them -- are being united again as part of an international peacekeeping unit, reported Radio Sarajevo on Thursday. Meeting in the Montenegrin capital of Podgorica, military experts from the U.S.-Adriatic Charter discussed the prospect of soldiers from Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia, along with Albania, forming a joint unit of NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. The unit's tentative name...

Unity and Continuity in Men and Nations

If America became a socialist state and was entirely opposed to capitalism, would it still be America? The Polish writer, Jozef Mackiewicz, once asserted: "There is no Polish state in the guise of the Polish People's Republic. The Polish People's Republic is not a continuation of the history of Poland but a continuation of the history of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution." [P. 136, The Triumph of Provocation]. What happens when we radically transform a country or a person? Would a socialist America still be America? And could this process occur without violence? I recently rediscovered a fascinating discourse on unity...

IAEA: New Information Shows Iran's Nuclear Program May Be Military

The United Nations nuclear watchdog has received new information regarding allegations of possible military aspects to Iran's disputed nuclear program, the agency said in a report. The confidential report, obtained by Reuters on Friday, listed several areas of questions the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has about Iran's atomic activities and called on Tehran to cooperate with its investigation.

Federal Judges Deny Obamacare Tax Reality

Tuesday night, a federal judge in Washington D.C. ruled that the new healthcare law is constitutional with an important side-note. Judge Kessler is the third judge to do so, while two judges ruled that it isn’t constitutional. Judge Kessler ruled that the individual mandate to buy health insurance within the new law falls under Congressional power under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. While the Department of Justice largely counts this as a win in their favor (and it is) there is one detail that could cause major problems further down the road. While the main argument from the Obama...