McLEAN, Va. (AP) — An Army veteran accused of fighting alongside an al-Qaida-affiliated group of Syrian rebels has been released from jail following a secret plea deal.
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New Obamacare ads targeting Oregon residents never mention health care reform or the system's new health care exchanges opening Oct. 1, and instead feature psychedelic Images of people flying through the air singing, “Long live Oregonians, we’re free to be healthy.”
The so-called “Free” ads cost $3.2 million.
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has directed an estimated $40 million in ratepayer money to two nonprofit groups charged with improving relations with the utility's largest employee union, but the agency claims to have scant information on how the public funds have been spent.
Both the state House and Senate took aim Wednesday at struggling Michigan residents, passing bills that would deny unemployment benefits to people who refuse to take a drug test required by employers and require community service for people receiving government assistance.
The drug testing bill, which passed the House Commerce Committee on a 12-4 vote with three Democrats passing on the issue, would deny unemployment benefits for people who either refused to take a drug test that a company made a condition of employment or tested positive.
The biggest carbon-capture project to date was at the American Electric Power’s Mountaineer plant in New Haven, W.Va. But Nicholas K. Akins, the company’s chairman and chief executive, said that technology was “definitely not ready for prime time.”
Mountaineer was a pilot project. Equipping the whole plant would have cost $1 billion, he said, and driven up costs per kilowatt-hour by 60 to 80 percent.
"Remember the only difference between a socialist and a communist is that a socialist is a communist who has not yet found his AK-47 nor worked up the guts to use it, whereas a communist is a socialist who has found his Kalashnikov and is more than willing to use it on his political enemies." -- Mike Vanderboegh (just a little lesson I taught my kids when they were growing up.)
Democratic Official Allan Brauer Wishes Death on Ted Cruz Aide’s Children
An İstanbul court on Friday sentenced Turkish pianist Fazıl Say to 10 months in prison on charges of insulting Islamic religious values in comments he made on Twitter, after a re-trial ordered by an upper court.
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.)
Rep. John Tierney (MA-6)
Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay (MO-1)
Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-9)
Rep. Jim Cooper (TN-5)
Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11)
Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-17)
Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-2)
Rep. Tammy Duckworth (IL-8)
Rep. Danny K. Davis (IL-7)
Rep. Peter Welch (VT)
Rep. Tony Cardenas (CA-29)
Rep. Steve Horsford (NV-4)
Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-1)
The simple, basic question investigators have (intentionally?) left unasked is: Were arms export laws waived or ignored in Operation Fast and Furious?
Yes or no? [More]
Since 9-11 and before, al Qaeda has been the sworn and declared enemy of the United States. Obama has waived the ban on arming terrorists and is openly arming the Syrian Rebels who are composed of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. He is justifying the Benghazi atrocity and those deaths by doing this. He is seeking cover for arming radicals out of Libya. Barack Obama is actively giving aid and comfort to our enemies and is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. In other words, treason.U.S. Constitution – Article 3 Section 3
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
“So why is it we’re going to war, Mr. President? Why is it you are giving comfort and aid to Al Qaeda? Because [Assad] is not a threat, and it’s a lose-lose situation. What possible good can come out of starting World War III?”I contend that Obama has been guilty of subversion and treason from the beginning. He is actively infiltrating our government with the Muslim Brotherhood and furthering the Caliphate in the Middle East. He has sided with the Brotherhood at every available opportunity: in Egypt, Libya and now in Syria. He has special televised messages for them, invites them into the White House and promotes them to ever higher seats of power:
“He’s taking guns away from the people while giving guns to Al-Qaeda. What else do you need for impeachment?” he added.