Saturday, February 5, 2011

Your tax dollars hard at work: Government Motors releases taxpayer-subidized Super Bowl ads

For those that continue to claim that GM will pay back most of the taxpayer bailout money, let me remind you all of the fiscal reality: Detroit News spews Obama propaganda: Feds to recoup $36 billion in bailout money, fail to mention GM receiving $45 billion tax furlough. But put your mind at east all you taxpayers. GM is using your tens of $billions wisely. For one thing, other than making a car for rich people that runs on coal, they are also making... Super Bowl commercial! Via MLive, watch the awesomeness of what you get from spending our hard-earned cash:
Misunderstanding: Michigan may be used to the soothing sounds of Tim Allen's baritone, but old people everywhere apparently have trouble understanding the tool man. In this spot for the Chevy Cruze Eco, residents in an assisted living facility bicker over misinterpretations of Allen's narration. Ageism never gets old.

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