A 8.9 earthquake and subsequent tsunami reportedly killed an estimated 30 people in Japan early this morning and has touched off tsunami watches all along the westcoast of the United States of America. There is an equal and as deadly political tsunami hitting the U.S. caused by the Radical Progressive Liberal Left of this country.
You recall all that Rightwing homegrown terrorists talk ginned up by the Barry Hussein Soetoro administration in 2009 don’t you. Janet Napolitano Secretary of Homeland Security, on the back of the report entitled "Rightwing [sic] Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," claimed that the culmination of events such as: the first black President in the person of Barack Obama, perceived future gun control measures, illegal immigration, the economic downturn beginning in 2008, the abortion controversy, and disgruntled military veterans' possible vulnerability to recruitment efforts by extremist groups as potential risk factors regarding right-wing extremism recruitment.
According to the Soetoro administration and the leftwing, the country was in eminent danger of radicalized Christians and Constitutionalists who were going to take up arms and overthrow the government.
Little did anyone know that this threat was real enough to happen in just two short years? Racial terrorists have sought to overthrow the government. However, not the Veterans, Christians and Patriots that the President warned about, no these radicals are not from the Right, they are from the Left.
Leftwing extremists have taken over the state of Wisconsin and they have issued death threats to government officials. (See 2:46 video
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