Sunday, May 1, 2011

Election 2012: Obama's 'Insurgent' Campaign to Track 'Every Single Thing'

The head of President Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign will measure and closely track all aspects of campaign activity and told supporters on Monday of the need to act like an 'insurgent campaign' to win next year.
"We have to act not like an incumbent. We have to act like an insurgent campaign that wakes up every single day trying to get every single vote that we can," campaign manager Jim Messina said in a video outlining the strategy for the November 2012 election. "So every single day we've got to go scratch and claw for those votes."

Messina said his campaign would closely track and measure "everything" campaign supporters were doing in order to determine what works and doesn't.

"This is the thing I'm passionate about. This campaign has to be metric-driven. We're going to measure every single thing in this campaign," he said.

Among the activities that will be tracked are 'campaign door knocks, phone calls, people signing up, e-mail lists, and from the campaign office, political outreach calls, he said.
"We have to measure, control and adapt everything. If something's working, we're going to do a whole bunch of it. If it's not working, we're going to go throw it out. We have to not be wed to any single thing that we've done before.

Messina noted that Obama won 12 states in 2008 by less than 15 points, emphasizing the need to work in a new way to win in 2012.

"If we just run that same campaign (2008), we stand a good chance of losing. We have to run a new campaign that's connected to the grass roots, that spends a lot of time talking to folks neighbor to neighbor, person to person, voter to voter," he said.

One of the factors which is different in 2008 compared to 2012, he said was that anonymous contributions, including from companies, was allowed to finance messages related to the campaign.

"We have to compete with that," he said.

A big part of the campaign would be to seek new and first time voters, noting that such voters tended to support Obama in the last campaign.

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