Sunday, May 1, 2011

The New Gun Control

On January 2, 2011, Stan Soklovski’s gun vault was violated. Thieves had removed 40 weapons. Most were pistols along with several rifles including a couple of assault weapons. He had constructed the gun vault in his basement to prevent theft, he had a state concealed gun license, he was registered with the federal government as a gun collector and he loaded his own rounds. This gentlemen knew the gun laws and obeys them. A peaceful law-abiding U. S. citizen.

He called the cops. The Keystone cops came and called the State Police and their CSI, the fire department, the ATF. They have been pursuing the thieves with diligence. Two guys have been arrested for the robbery with the recovery of four pistols. The chief of police wants to get the guns off the streets because that area of town around the house is a local street gun club that uses live human targets. Folks are nervous about gangs, guns and getting shot.

I can sympathize with Mr. S. I had my gun collection stolen five years ago. My humble opinion is the guy mowing my neighbor’s yard was using some illegals (which is standard operating procedure in the lawn maintenance business in Texas.) and they decided robbing my house would be easy plus this would give them a little more cash without a lot of effort. A lot of lawn care folks also include thief as a part of their activities. Of course a couple of weeks before the robbery, I had begun to cage my dogs while we were gone. My wife had put in new carpet which the dogs felt compelled to water daily. The thieves took cash, my gun collection, some dvd’s, my computer, printer and flat screen monitor. I rectified my error and willingly allow my dogs especially the Rot-mixed to water the carpet at will to my wife’s shergrin. Hi ho Silver, they got away. I reported the robbery.

Since most pawn shops here don’t buy and sell guns any more, my guns are with a 98% assurance, now in Mexico where the price is two to five times more than you can get in states. I don’t think the ATF had any thing to do with it. It seems they have been in the gun running business only for a year or so. None of my weapons have been found by the police or turned up in Mexico killing a federal officer.

Mr S isn’t as lucky as I, he lives in Lowell, MA. I understand that the original article about Mr. S’s robbery in the local newspaper is not available any more. It seems to have disappeared. A curious thing for a news article to do. But, there is a copy on the internet. I’ve wondered why it disappeared. In the original news report, the chief was neutral and the information given described Mr. S to be an upright individual where guns were concerned and a long time resident. I guess all that was before the chief received an update from Homeland Security. He filed charges against Mr. S for manufacturing and trafficking explosives. (The new gun control.) The chief revoked this citizen’s state Class A weapon permit. Had the fire department declare the amount of gun powder, caps and etc. for self-loading bullets to exceed the amount an individual citizen could have without a special permit. I would believe that if Mr. S had exceeded the amount provided and if there was a law concerning the amount he was allowed to have, he would have gotten the permit for that along with the other permits he has. The fire department removed the gun powder. He was investigated to determine if all his firearms were acquired legally. They were. Mr. S is a law-abiding citizen. A defense fund has been established to help him with court cost because the Lowell, MA. police chief feels Mr. S is a criminal.

‘A burglar is your common, garden variety criminal,”spokesman for the Lowell Police Department Max Cretan observed. “We deal with this kind of problem every day. Sokolowski, on the other hand, is a greater threat. He has dangerous knowledge. And with the equipment he had he could easily assemble bombs. Making bombs is a terrorist activity. Having the means to make bombs is possession of terrorist paraphernalia. That’s against the law.”

“We’re not saying a person can’t own a weapon. But this privilege must be weighed against the state’s need to control access to firearms. So, when a person goes overboard like this we see it as a potentially serious threat to peace and order.”

Are these people actually American citizens? It is a privilege? Has this police spokesman read the Constitution? If this is what government thinks of law-abiding citizen, we need to repeal the Patriot Act. The Homeland Security has become a nest of paranoia and its cancer has infected the state and local police.

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