Sunday, May 1, 2011


At long last, Barack Obama Jr. released his long form birth certificate today, clearly proving he is NOT a natural born citizen. So, why has there been virtually no call in the Senate to begin impeachment proceedings? And why are so many news reporters acting as if all Obama needed to substantiate he was a Natural Born Citizen was to prove he was born in the U.S.A?

The U.S. Constitution and U.S. law, as of the time of Obama Junior’s birth, still required a President to have a father (pictured top left) who was a U.S. citizen. Clearly Obama’s father was a British citizen (since Kenya at the time was controlled by Great Britain), as clearly shown on the very document Obama released.

Still not convinced? Let’s take a refresher course in U.S. history. Our founding fathers didn’t want any U.S. President to have mixed loyalties so they required that both parents of a President be U.S. citizens in order to qualify their son or daughter to be a Natural Born U.S. Citizen. Period. Simple. Not complicated.

Here’s the exact language of the Naturalization Act of 1790, passed by the first U.S. Congress:
“And the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States…”

And if you are still not absolutely convinced and you prefer to take Obama's word on this matter, then, please do. In 2008 when John McCain was running against Barack Obama for President, Democrats put McCain under the microscope for having been born in the Panama Canal Zone and not in the United States. After much discussion and debate to determine John McCain's eligibility, The U.S. Senate passed a Resolution defining the phrase "Natural Born Citizen" that validated McCain as a bona fide "Natural Born Citizen" who was eligible to run for President of The United States.

And guess who was a U.S. Senator--and a co-sponsor of this resolution that set forth the definition of a "Natural Born Citizen" and requiring that BOTH parents have to be U.S. citizens if their son or daughter was to become President of the United State? You guessed it: Barack Obama, Jr. But in classic Obama double standard fashion, he quickly breached his own resolution and brazening moved into the Oval Office as squatter-in-chief!

Our Viral Video that further elaborates on this topic: Our Outlaw Presidency

So there you have it. Obama is not eligible to be U.S. By the clear will of the Founders, and by Obama's own signed declaration, Obama is ineligible. Period. Therefore, Barack Obama needs to be impeached and convicted quickly to avoid a constitutional crisis and to allow the United States of America to return to rule of law.

Bottom line: It doesn’t matter if Obama was born in Hawaii. What does matter is that Obama Junior's father, Obama Senior, was not a U.S. citizen and thus rendering his son’s Presidential aspirations patently illegal.

Furthermore, the Founding Fathers put the definition in writing from the defining documents of their day. Founding Father John Jay used the definition of “natural born Citizen” straight from The Law of Nations (Vattel) that states:
“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens…” (Vattel in Book 1, Sec 212)

Case closed. Impeach and convict Obama now.

Another excellent Viral Video on this topic:

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