Thursday, December 22, 2011

Victims of Obama’s Bus & Insult List

A list of people who have been insulted or met "Obama’s bus"

William Ayers
Jeremiah Wright
Father Michael Pfleger
His own church
Jim Johnson
His own Grandma (and white women in general)
Henry Louis Gates
Tony Rezko
Jimmy Carter
Rod Blagojevich
Van Jones
David Paterson
The Constitution of Honduras
Kanye West
Those who want to end Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (He finally made up for this one)
Creigh Deeds
Special Olympians
Hamid Karzai multiple times
Gordon Brown and his wife
The British Press
The Queen of England
The People of Britain (sending the bust of Churchill back as one of his first acts)
Nicholas Sarkozy
Fox News
Joe The Plumber
The Czechs and Poles (missile shield)
Insurance companies and those who work for them
People who pay their taxes (appointing lots of tax cheats)
The People of NYC with his Scareforce 1 flyover
The US Chamber of Commerce
doctors (remember the whole tonsils thing, plus ear, nose, and throat doctors, among others?)
US Postal Service employees
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Wall Street
Nancy Reagan
People with guns and Bibles
Conservatives and veterans in general (that DHS report)
Oil companies
Pharmaceutical companies
TEA Party attendees (multiple times)
Oh, hell, how about the entire United States of America, when he ran around the world calling us “arrogant.” Even Jimmy Carter hasn’t been that bad since he left office.
(12/9/09 More) Every hard left progressive who thought Obama was lying just kidding when he was saying he would put more troops into Afghanistan, and then he goes and escalates the Afghanistan war
Dissed Air Force pilots who fly the F-22
British troops in Afghanistan
His press secretary, Robert Gibbs, demeaned a female White House reporter and the Gallup Poll org.
Robert Gibbs mocks Sarah Palin, a private citizen, right after Obama discussed bipartisanship
Obama blew off our great ally England which is in a dispute with Argentina over the Falklands
(adding on 4/3/10) I had forgotten about Obama snubbing the King Of Norway who had invited him to dinner during the Nobel (snicker) Prize shindig, incensing the people of Norway
Let’s not forget his treatment of the Iranian protesters
Sec. Of State Clinton pissing off the Canadians
Dissing Netanyahu
Gordon Brown, mentioned previously, has been blown off 5 times for dinner
Tea Partiers again and again and again, private citizens all
American’s who disagree with his policies, again and again and again, private citizens all
Looks like Obama has snubbed another ally, this time, Georgia, and their president, Mikheil Saakashvili
Updates 8/16/10: The people of the Gulf Coast by vacationing in Martha’s Vineyard, rather than the Gulf, as Michelle Obama told everyone else to do
The families of 9/11 victims, by showing support for the Ground Zero mosque
6/2/11: Dissing Israel with his 1967 borders idiocy.
Hosni Mubarak (a crappy ally, but, one who kept the peace between Egypt and Israel)
Making the Dalai Lama go out the back door at the White House, around the trash
Americans For Prosperity
The Queen of England during a toast (minor)
Poland (again)
Britain again, claiming France is our greatest ally
Carnival barkers
Oh, wow, I don’t have the SCOTUS snub at the SOTU speech.
Says bad economy is to blame on Americans not thinking clearly.
7/1 update: Attacks The Heritage Foundation
Dishonors Staff Sergeant Jared Monti, whom Obama himself awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously.
Obama attacking the whole Republican Party in a speech that made him sound like a 5 year old.
Ed Morrissey and Kevin Edar are attacked by Obama’s social media propagandist director.
11/11 update: Obama calls country “soft“
Obama calls Americans “lazy“
Calls Israeli PM Netanyahu a “liar” when he thought it was off-mike

Anything I’m forgetting?

Blogs For Victory puts it in song.

6/2/11: I thought I should probably add some updates, since I was reminded of this thanks to the Link at Linkiest.

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