Saturday, February 18, 2012

White House Tries to Hide the Decline in Number of Working Adults

February 17, 2012
By Lonely Conservative

It looks like the global warming moonbats aren’t the only ones “hiding the decline.” The White House tried to hide the declining number of working adult Americans in its latest economic report. The Daily Caller’s Neil Munro dug through the paperwork and found what the White House would prefer stayed buried.

The increasingly visible statistic shows that roughly 11 million working-age Americans are being excluded from the nation’s formal tally of 13.75 million unemployed Americans.

Today’s 2012 Economic Report of the President attempts to bury the statistic in a 448-page blizzard of statistics, jargon and reassuring comparisons. “In the last 23 months, businesses have created 3.7 million jobs,” says the upbeat report, released at 4 p.m. on a Friday afternoon by the President’s Council of Economic Advisers.

Democrats are touting downward ticks of the formal unemployment rate to 8.3 percent, but Republicans are making an increased effort to highlight the painfully low employment participation rate.

A new chart produced by the Republican Study Committee shows the downward jumps of that job-participation rate, even after President Barack Obama deployed his trillion-dollar stimulus in February 2009, and after Obama declared the summer of 2010 a “Recovery Summer.”

“I expect you will be seeing this chart on the House floor during debates, it will be shown at town hall meetings and in district events,” committee spokesman Brian Straessle told The Daily Caller.

Amid the optimistic text in today’s economic report, the detailed tables reveal a sharp statistical decline. (Read More)

See the chart referenced above here.

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