Friday, March 2, 2012

Rush attacks media over Breitbart coverage

'Even in death' they lie

March 1st, 2012

(THE BLAZE - Jonathon M. Seidl) -- Conservative titan Rush Limbaugh opened his radio show today by paying tribute to the “bulldog” Andrew Breitbart. But while Limbaugh was sure to give Breitbart due praise, he also was quick to accuse the media of distorting the story.

He opened by telling how Breitbart sent Limbaugh a giant portrait of Reagan every year — a touching tradition that started at Rush’s wedding. But the fond memories soon gave way to an expose on the media.

“Even today, the AP…misrepresents him,” Limbaugh explained. “Even in death.”

“This AP article is a textbook example of the kind of outrageous mendacity in the news media today that he fought against. Even in death the AP cannot refrain from lying about him and misrepresenting him.”

You can listen to Limbaugh deliver his thoughts and go through the AP article below (via Daily Rushbo):

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