Monday, April 16, 2012

Anthony Cromartie: 10 Children 8 Mothers – Jets Bail Out Cromartie to Pay Child Support to 6 Mothers

Anthony Cromartie has two children with his wife, Terricka Cason. He has ten children total, and a stepchild belonging to Cason. Ten bio-children by 8 mothers. He has custody of his first son, and was apparently a dead-beat Dad at one point, as the Jets had to bail him out with $500,000 to pay in back child support, which comes totals more than $3,5000 per month to six of the other mothers, who are known as the ”girlfriends.” It wasn’t like Cromartie didn’t have a job before the Jets. His San Diego Chargers contract paid him $13.5 MILLION over a 5 year contract. MORE HERE>>

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