Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Elizabeth Warren Indian Love Call - Sad Hill News

Published on May 19, 2012 by SadHillNews

Elizabeth Warren Indian Love call


Watching the sun set on Elizabeth Warren -- aka 'Fauxcahontas' -- well, it's taking longer than I'd like. So let's bury the hatchet once and for all, in 3:45.

My sincere apology in advance to Slim Whitman.

View artwork from the video on any of these fine sites:

American Thinker, Gateway Pundit, Polisat, Wasnmentobe, Sad Hill News, Chip Bok, Boston Herald, The Blaze, Free Republic, SodaHead, The Minority Report, Dig Boston, Independent Sentinel, Photoshoppix, SooperMexican, Saber Point, Daily World News, Conservative Commune, Patum Peperium, The People's Cube, Howie Carr Show, Grandpa John, Bias Breakdown, ReasonTV, Moonbattery, The Real Revo, The Fine Report, The Looking Spoon, The Hayride, I Own The World, Gator Country, World News, Political Forum, Politifake, Big Hairy News, Merry Poppet, Strange Politics, Legal Insurrection, Frugal Cafe, Frank on PhotoBucket, Publius Forum

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