Sunday, May 20, 2012


Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Astute Blogger:

I first blogged on Obama's agent - Jane Dystel in 2006 - YEARS before anyone else wrote a word.

YUP: We first published on Obama's literary agent here in 2006.
Here is a link to multiple posts on the subject since then.

Jane plucked Barack out of nowhere and approached him about writing a memoir. They signed a multi-book deal which Obama broke after his Kerry Convention speech when BJ Clinton got him to sign with his big-time agent. Jane sued him for breach of contract; they settled - and part of their settlement was a clause that prevents Jane from saying anything.

We ought to demand Obama release her from that provision so she can tell her story - she has a lot to offer! She can comment on who wrote DFMF. She can talk about the agency bio.

Now: as to the bio:

It was probably penned by Obama – as was the custom at that agency and most agencies.

Obama probably LIED in his agency bio when he claimed to be born in Kenya and did so because he probably LIED in his Columbia College and Harvard Law School applications – and claimed to be Kenyan, in order to enhance his likelihood of admission --- like his crony Elizabeth Warren.

We ought to demand Obama release his complete college and law school applications and grades in order to determine the truth.

Posted by Reliapundit at 11:39 AM

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