Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Weinbaum column: Wars from our president

By Dave Weinbaum
Special to the Rolla Daily News
Posted May 21, 2012 @ 04:53 PM

Rolla, Mo. —

Karl Marx Jr. AKA Barack Hussein Obama is showing us his hand--at least the back of it. Simply put: Dear Leader has failed in almost everything he’s tried except for mileage on AF1 and Michelle’s vacations--on our dime. His campaign slogan FORWARD is a cynical attempt to avoid his record and keep us believing in his now proven false, Hope and Change mantra.

Never lend a hand when you can point a finger

A normal person would cop to mistakes and specify what his plans are to do better. Barry, of no conscience or scruples, presents his case by diverting attention from the downward spiral of the country, or worse yet, claiming he’s a victim of the past. The problem is after two years blaming Bush wore off, made obvious by the Dem shellacking in the 2010 elections. Dear Leader and Axelrod know the only way to save Obama’s arse is to make up hypothetical, ideological battles with Republicans.

So little time-so many imaginary enemies to gin up

So what’s a president who’s lacking a case to do? Obama decided to project how much worse it would be for specific groups under Romney/Republicans—anything that’ll get people to stop talking about what a miserable failure he’s been.

Below are the wars from our President:

· The war of Presidential Bios. Dear Leader in his infinite need to feed his ego, has Pearl Harbored himself into history, torpedoing snippets of real or imagined achievements of him as it relates to his predecessors in their bios. Anyone else a little spooked by this?
· The spanking of the Jews. How dare anyone challenge Obama’s claim to be the best friend Israel’s ever had? Apparently, the Jews of the Holy Land aren’t feeling very safe after Obama proved his disdain for Netanyahu by treating him like a beggar. Dear Leader imposed his wisdom by verbally cutting Israel’s borders to an indefensible width of nine miles. He then bypassed Congress to fund not only Israel’s but our enemies, Hamas.
· Blacks against whites—or Latinos. George Zimmerman, of mixed white, Latino and black DNA, was alleged to have murdered Treyvon Martin, a 17-year-old black after profiling and stalking him. Obama sent his minions out to lynch George and make him the new KKK, Nazi, white symbol of slavery. The New Black Panthers, buoyed by Dear Leader’s proclamation that if he had a son, he’d look like Treyvon, issued a Fatwa against George to kill him in return for a million bucks. Now that more facts of the case have come out, Hahvad Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz has all but exonerated Zimmerman’s action as self-defense. Meanwhile, whites are being attacked by blacks in the name of Treyvon as egged on by this tragedy. Summer could be very violent.
· Obama/Biden war against the rich, AKA TAXPAYERS. In a fit to be tied, VP goofball who claimed to have no jealousy of the rich made a screech worthy of Fredo in the Godfather. The simple hooligan said “I’m smart—not like what everyone says!” Biden ranted that we dream just like the rich! My parents thought my brother and sister could be millionaires and I could be preside—uh vice president. So much for the example of blazing-green, bitter non-envy! A psychiatrist would have a field day with this nut, which as a millionaire seems to be at war with himself.
· The war on Catholics and women. If you believe pregnancy is an illness, contraception is a right and taking care of five sons full time as Ann Romney did is a crime, you’ll join the ranks of the anti-religion-government-is-G0d progressives. Seems a bit of a risk to offend that many Catholics/Christians/Jews, moms or others who empathize with them. Or am I wrong?
· The war on immigration. Allow the law-breakers to go unscathed while suing the one person who’s enforcing federal law-Sheriff Joe Arpaio. That being said, the Obama economy is so bad the Mexicans are staying home—some already here are sneaking back. Well done Mr. President! Who says I never compliment Dear Leader?
· The war on victims. No matter who you are you have the potential—to be a victim. Down and out, discriminated against, so lost your only “job” is to go to the unemployment office for your check and/or wait for food stamps in your mailbox. The way to keep on that comfortable vacuum of a life is to vote for Dear Leader and his sycophants in Congress and state houses.
· The war against the Supreme Court. Dear Leader thinks he can blackmail the Supremes into ruling the Obamacare mandate Constitutional.

The war between those who pay taxes and those who don’t is in full force. There is still time to reverse this death spiral. Look into the abyss that’s encompassed most of Europe and you’ll see that we’re one election away from the same fate.

Are we ready to lose the dreams from OUR FATHERS?

I’m not!

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