Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Secret (Weapon) Romney Tapes

Mother Jones admits that the tape is perhaps altered
and has missing minutes. It's Trayvon time.

Posted By:StormCnter,
9/19/2012 6:17:03 AM

The far-left magazine Mother Jones is making a splash, or what Democrats think is a splash, with video from a private fundraiser held in May for Mitt Romney. (Snip)While the Romney campaign must not back off the issue of Obama's utter failure in foreign policy (but do a better job than Romney did in the first hours of the Middle East and North Africa turmoil), these so-called "secret tapes" could be precisely what the campaign needs to get back on to message about Obama's government-centered society of dependency and Romney's individual-centered society of opportunity.

Original Article>>

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