Friday, October 26, 2012

Video:Obama Linked To Benghazi Attack

October 26, 2012

We learned Tuesday that Barack Hussein Obama,along with the FBI,CIA,the State Department,and literally hundreds of intelligence-related entities within the federal government knew the Benghazi consulate had been attacked by terrorists within two hours.

We learned that three emails were sent directly to the White House Situation Room describing the incident as a terrorist attack.

We learned that Obama watched in real time and did nothing while four Americans were murdered.

And while Obama and the mainstream media were playing “Pin the tail on the YouTube video” for two weeks,Western Journalism had been on top of this story since day one. We knew that a cover-up was occurring from the very beginning.

But it was not simply a President who stood by and did nothing while four Americans were murdered. Not simply a President so myopic that he refused to accept that terrorists,under his “bridge-building” administration,would want to kill us.

It was something much more.

Much more sinister.

Watch our newest video to find out the real news on the Benghazi attack.

Source: Expose Obama

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