Monday, February 4, 2013

Karl Rove = Bloated, Parasitic Tumor to Be Removed without Delay

Feb. 4, 2013

Discredited political consultant, blathering TV talking head, and big-bux fundraiser/PAC-man Karl Rove was once hailed by George W Bush as 'The Architect' in the wake of the 2004 campaign victory he had engineered. In retrospect, we'd probably have been better off in the long-term letting John Kerry try and deal with the earthshaking real estate collapse his Dems' own affirmative-action housing initiatives were soon to bring us.

Instead, Rove -as White House Senior Adviser and Deputy Chief-of-Staff- resided over a Bush 2nd-term popularity dive so steep and so politically damaging to the GOP brand that the United States seems to have shifted sharply to the left for about 7 years now- and with a desperately needed cyclical correction still nowhere-in-sight.

So what good has Karl Rove done since he helped drive the entire Republican Party into a wall?


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