Monday, September 9, 2013

NYC parking cop- "we do not ticket if wurshepin"


I came out to find my legally parked van blocked in by illegally parked cabs. I asked a wandering traffic cop to give the cab a ticket since he was making me late for my next appointment. I was told, we are not allowed to ticket the taxis because they were worshiping in the mosque around the corner. There was no way for me to leave and I had my worker on the click as well. This is particularly infuriating because if I let my meter expire 1 minute for ANY reason, I am guaranteed a $130 ticket from these cocksucker. If I said I was praying in a church they would also laugh out loud as they wrote me a non dismissable ticket. Sorry for my somewhat racist and incorrect outburst about it being a day before the anniversary of 9/11. I was pretty twisted with these pricks.


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