Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Obama Reignites the Cold War


Barack Obama grew up as a child of the Cold War.  His youth was dominated by the confrontation between the United States and Russia over wars of national liberation that led to McCarthyist witch hunts, backyard bomb shelters, space race, missile crisis, Star Wars defense proposal and fall of the Berlin Wall.  But unlike most Americans, his family was personally involved in liberation movements and rooting for the other side to win.  Since becoming President, Obama has employed the full capabilities of the United States to support Islamist national liberation movements that are in direct confrontation to national interests of Russia.  President Obama may claim that he is “looking at the possibility of a limited, narrow act” in Syria, but to Russia he is reigniting the Cold War.
Barack Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, met his father, Barack Obama, Sr. in aRussian language class in 1960 at the University of Hawaii, where his father was a Kenyan nationalist on a foreign student scholarship.  After a quick marriage, the birth of Barack Obama, Jr., separation, and divorce; Stanley Ann married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian nationalist she also met at the University of Hawaii.  Dutch army killed Soetoro’s father and eldest brother were killed by the Dutch and their family house was burned during the Indonesian Independence Movement.
During the Vietnam War, Obama’s mother worked for the Agency for International Development, a front group for the Central Intelligence Agency.  She later worked for former U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s father, Peter Geithner, on a Ford Foundation grant to provide micro-finance to the poor.  She divorced Soetoro in 1971, after she blamed him for “selling out” by taking a capitalists job with Union Oil Company.
President Obama in his first international speech on June 4, 2009 at Cairo University received huge applause when he stated: “The relationship between Islam and the West includes centuries of coexistence and cooperation, but also conflict and religious wars.  More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations.”  He went on to say: “We have the power to make the world we seek, but only if we have the courage to make a new beginning, keeping in mind what has been written.”
These are national liberation code words for: 1) the United States President believes Muslims were wronged by the West; 2) Muslims have the power to change the world; 3) Muslims have a duty as written in the Koran to revolt and form a new Caliphate.  Since the speech, the Middle East and Africa have been engulfed in revolution and violence.
There is no bigger prize for Middle East national liberation than overthrowing Syrian President Bashar a-Assad.  In 1957, Syria was close to a Communist Party takeover byArmy Chief of Staff Afif al-Bizri.  In desperation, a Syrian Ba’ath Party delegation led by the nation’s democratically elected President Shukri al-Quwatli and Prime Minister Khaled al-Azem asked Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser to end the “communist threat” by merging with Syria to begin the formation of a new pan-Arab Caliphate.
With the support of the Syrian Ba’ath Party and Sunni Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt signed the merger with Syria to form the United Arab Republic on February 2, 1958.  As the Republic’s President, Nasser began brutally cracking down on Syrian Communists.  But once he consolidated power under a new constitution, he banned all political parties in the UAR, including the Ba’ath Party and the Muslim Brotherhood.
With raging public enthusiasm across the Middle East for the powerful a powerful new Caliphate, Iraq’s Prime Minister Abd al-Karim Qasim overthrew his nation’s Western-allied monarchy and merged with Jordan in late 1958.  Qasim then began negotiations with Nasser in 1960 to expand the United Arab Republic to Egypt, Syria and Iraq.
Fearing the rise of a secular pan-Arab state, the Islamist regime in Saudi Arabia secretly allied with the United States to stop Nasser and the UAR.  Saudi Arabia provided financial backing and sanctuary to the Syrian and Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood militants opposed to Nasser, while the CIA provided American military training.
The United Arab Republic collapsed on September 28, 1961 when former Ba’ath Party Muslim Brotherhood members organized a military coup, and declared Syrian independence.  Shortly thereafter, Iraq’s Qasim was also overthrown in a CIA backed military coup led by the Iraqi Ba’ath Party.  Once Syria and Iraq’s new Ba’ath regimes consolidated power, they banned and persecuted the Muslim Brotherhood.
In the 1975 U.S. Senate Select Intelligence Committee, known as the Church Committee, conducted hearings to investigate allegations of widespread CIA assassinations.  The Agency admitted to a “special operation” aimed at sending Iraq’s Qasim a poisoned handkerchief.  But the CIA said this proved unnecessary after Qasim; “Suffered a terminal illness before a firing squad in Baghdad (an event we had nothing to do with) after our handkerchief proposal was considered.
Barack Obama has used the capabilities of the United States to back the Muslim Brotherhood liberation movements across the Middle East.  He knows that Russia that this action is in direct confrontation with the vital interests of Russia, who has been battling Islamist rebellions in its southern provinces for two decades.  Regardless, President Obama is purpose driven and willing to reignite the Cold War.
Source: Chris Street

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