Saturday, February 19, 2011

Which Flag?

“[H]ave you noticed how many of the union protesters are invoking the Egyptian uprising against Hosni Mubarek? And carrying the Egyptian flag? Because the freely and fairly elected Governor of Wisconsin is just like the former dictator of Egypt . . It’s a good thing they are not carrying the Gadsden Flag, because that would be uncivil.”
– Professor William Jacobson, Legal Insurrection

UPDATE: Indebted to Michelle Malkin for the following list, but too lazy to do the arithmetic myself, I ask if any of our readers will be so diligent as to count the number of Wisconsin public school officials whose reported 2010 salaries exceeded $100,000.

UPDATE II: Dave C counts 859 names on the list. Dave’s blog is At the Point of a Gun. Now, if someone would care to figure the combined annual salary of these 859 school officials, and calculate their average annual salary . . .

UPDATE III: Calvin Dodge employs spreadsheet software to calculate that these 859 individuals collect a combined $97.9 million a year, with an average annual salary of $114,000.

And yet the protesters in Madison say it would be grossly unfair to expect these public servants to contribute more toward the cost of their pensions and health insurance.

Year Prorated Salary Full Name Position Title District:   (MORE)

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