Saturday, May 28, 2011

Obama Getting His Ground Game Running (Video HERE)

The Obama campaign today sent this video out to its vast email list as part of its effort recruit volunteers. I thought you might want to see what’s going on.

The campaign seems well organized and is trying to get a very early start getting its ground operation up and running. This is the first phase of the operation – in addition to raising money for Obama and the DNC. The Obama campaign is using the phrase”Are You In?” to get commitments from volunteers. Training starts this summer.

The Republican National Committee is still recovering from the Michael Steele years. But if Republicans think they can beat Obama with a bunch of money-siphoning groups that put up an ad war campaign to try to destroy the president, they’re mistaken.

They will need to galvanize the loosely affiliated organizations and Tea Party members into their own ground war which, given the passion of the opposition to Obama, can become a powerful force. But it needs to be organized. I’m not seeing that.

The video below shows Mitch Stewart, who is now labeled “Battleground Director” for the campaign. He has been in charge of keeping Obama’s personal political army, Organizing for America, active during the two and a half years following the election.

H/T Keith Koffler

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