Thursday, October 20, 2011

I am the 53%

Occupy Wall Street says they represent 99% of Americans, but they display the behavior of an extremely radical and extremely small fringe of the political Left:

-They get arrested and cause property damage.

-They call for a massive redistribution of wealth and an elimination of capitalism.

-They call for socialism and communism in America.

Sign this petition to say that Occupy Wall Street does not speak for you. You are part of the 53% of Americans who’ve paid income taxes and worked hard your whole life. You want limited government and a free market system. When the Occupy Wall Street protestors were too busy campaigning for Barack Obama in 2008, we were protesting the Wall Street bailout.

Tell Occupy Wall Street: "I am the 53%"

Sign this petition HERE and when you leave a comment be sure to include: I am the 53%

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