Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Obama gives $700,000 taxpayer money to ACORN Housing group AHCOA

This time it’s not just Obama weaseling his way around things to shower his “friends” with tax payer money. AHCOA or is known as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Before James O’Keefe and Hanna Giles exposed Acorn for the fraud that they were and Acorn disbanded (and split into over hundred different pieces) this group was known as ACORN Housing. According to the Daily Caller, not only Obama but the Government Accountability Office incorrectly argued that a specific organization wasn’t ACORN-affiliated. Where i come from, this is lying. Not “incorrectly argued.” So much for the GAO.

The Obama administration has awarded more than $700,000 in taxpayer funds to AHCOA despite a 2010 law stipulating that no taxpayer funds could be awarded to ACORN “or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or allied organizations.”

The previously confidential internal audit report, from NeighborWorks America, shows that contrary to what the GAO and the Obama administration contend, AHCOA is far too close to ACORN to receive taxpayer funding. In fact, NeighborWorks America — a nonprofit group that doles out taxpayer funds — decided against sending cash to AHCOA because of the internal audit report it conducted.

“Although AHC and ACORN might be incorporated as separate entities in form and structure, the financial transactions noted below evidence extensive relationships between both organizations that may undermine claims of an ‘arm’s length relationship’ between them,” the NeighborWorks America auditors wrote.

Even so, the GAO issued a September 2010 letter giving the Obama administration cover to legally provide AHCOA with taxpayer cash.

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