Friday, February 10, 2012

CNN Israel: Fires 4 Israelis Keeps 4 Arabs – No Jews Reporting

February 9, 2012
By Maggie

It about the budget, don’t ya know. Downsizing. No one wants to advertise with the CNN Israeli bureau. The story is just breaking, so there may be more or less to come.

That doesn’t explain why they fired four Israeli Jewish journalists (out of a crew of 8), and retained only Arab journalists. The local chief editor of CNN is now an Arab.

Among the long time news personnel let go were Moshe Cohen, editor, fired after 10 years with CNN; Izi Landberg, Producer, about 25 years with CNN; Avi Kaner cameraman fired after 10 years with CNN; and Michal Zippori desk producer.

CNN’s usual procedure in the past was to send both a Jewish and an Arab reporter out on stories. Now, they’re only going to send an Arab journalist, with all that implies. It’s no secret to anyone that Arab journalists have to toe the Fatah and Hamas line if they want to do reporting on stories in Gaza and the Arab occupied areas of Judea and Samaria without taking the risk of being murdered. Read the entire story by Jean-Patrick Grumberg for Dreuz.

Blazing Cat Fur notes that the story is just breaking tonight, and we would be prudent to wait until we have additional details and sufficient confirmation.

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie’s Notebook

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