Monday, July 2, 2012

ATF Directors “Acting” Since 2006: Democrats Want Anti-Gun Nominees

Alcohol, tobacco and firearms are legal in the United States, but there is a long history of the government classifying those who sell alcohol, buy alcohol, sell tobacco, use tobacco, sell firearms and possess firearms as a lower order of being. Democrats want anti-gun leadership at ATF – by the nature of what is legal and what is not, promoting an anti-gun-stance Agency Director is a Constitutional conflict. If proof of criminality isn’t there, the BATFE-ATF will hound you anyway. For years, the ATF was under the Treasury Department. In 2006, a new law placed the ATF under the Justice Department, with the Directorship requiring the confirmation of Congress. And since 2006 and the new law, we haven’t had a single successful confirmation. Every Director since that time has been an “acting” director. Democrats say that Republicans have stopped confirmations, leading to a lack of leadership – but someone led furiously in Operation Fast and Furious.....

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