Thursday, July 5, 2012

FULL VIDEO: Ex-Liberal Eric Allen Bell boldly tells the full truth about Liberalism, the Mufreesboro Mega-Mosque and Islam on Fox & Friends

I have been spending much of my time at Eric Allen Bells’ Facebook page and new website for the past month or so. You may not know him yet, but he is a liberal film maker and writer who had a drastic change of view about Islam, and much of everything else, as a result of doing a documentary on the mega-mosque in Murfreesboro Tennessee. For Eric, the impetus to look at Islam again was a conversation he had with a Christian Coptic Cab driver in which the driver disagreed with him that the changes happening in Egypt are a good thing. The driver told him a regime change would be fatal to his family back home. For me the impetus was the responce of Muslims and non-Muslims, around the world and online, to Pastor Terry Jones’s Burn A Koran Day almost two years ago.

Eric is very blunt and right on in his assertions about Islam, most specifically that Islam is “the worst, most deadly idea in the history of the world”. I think all three videos put together here are a must see, as rarely have such truths about Islam been spoken freely on any mainstream media. Eric has been studying Islam now for about 2 years and he knows his stuff and is very articulate.

If you have not seen these or do not know about Eric, I suggest you watch the video and visit his sites because what he is doing is very important and he always says he is just getting started. He has a site here, that you can “Use this site to confidentially report any suspicious activities at a mosque – including but not limited to sedition, terrorist activity, questionable financial dealings, human rights abuses, female genital mutilation, child abuse, radical teachings, teaching the hatred or killing of Jews, Americans or any other group, affiliations with the Muslim Brotherhood or anything else which you believe to be suspicious and possibly part of a plan to destroy America from the inside.”

Information is the Enemy of Islamic Supremacism – SPREAD IT – Eric Allen Bell

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