Thursday, July 5, 2012

'No Jobs?'

“There are no jobs!” That is what people told me when I visited this NYC “jobs center” near Fox’s studios.

But it’s not true.

After people at that welfare office told me, “There’s nothing out there, nothing!” …“no jobs available”, my team of four researchers (two of them interns) walked the area within a few blocks of the “jobs center”. In a few hours, they found 40 job openings! 24 of the employers said they had entry-level positions—“no experience necessary.”

As you may have seen in the “Out of Work” special tonight, that repeats on Fox Business on Wednesday at 9pm, a manager of a frozen-yogurt store told us, “We need two or three people all the time basically.” At a new restaurant, the manager said, “We’re hiring for cashiers. Also chefs and prep guys.”

Less than one block away, the owner of a restaurant called the Pink Tea Cup told me he would hire 12 to 14 people immediately, if workers would just apply.

“I would hire more than that but you know the hardest thing is to get good help,” he said.

Here’s our list of the employers that had entry-level jobs:

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