Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Obamugabe new theme: Betting on America

Barack Obama bets on bus tour to dent Mitt Romney

WASHINGTON: "Betting on America," President Barack Obama hits the road on Thursday debuting the latest in a string of slogans adopted and then discarded as he seeks a cogent political meme as the economy drags.

He will strike his new theme on a two-day bus tour of rust belt swing states Ohio and Pennsylvania, where he will skewer rich Republican foe Mitt Romney, painted by his campaign brass as a tax-dodging outsourcer of American jobs.

The messy process of government and a stop-start-slow economy have robbed Obama of the clarity of the "Hope and Change" slogan he ran on four years ago. "Betting on America" gets its try out after Obama, who mastered the political moment in 2008, struggled to dominate the political dialogue while governing voters traumatized by years of economic anxiety.

When he touted investment in education and green energy, Obama sometimes appeared under the slogan "Winning the Future" and urged Congress to act before banners reading "We Can't Wait." Seeking traction for job-rich infrastructure projects, Obama's theme was "An America Built to Last."

In 2010, Obama launched a push to highlight stimulus spending under the moniker "Recovery Summer" which was later mocked by Republicans as the economic rebound stumbled. The "Betting on America" bus tour is a new sign of Obama on offense, as he seeks to dismantle the central claim of Romney's candidacy, that he is a job creating expert, in two states crucial to November's election.

The Obama campaign said Tuesday the president would use the two-day swing from Toledo, a long-time Ohio manufacturing hub, to the gritty city of Pittsburgh to lay out his blueprint for restoring middle class security. "The president's vision stands in stark contrast to Mitt Romney, who believes in an economy built from the top down and supports the same policies that crashed our economy and devastated the middle class," a campaign statement said.

"As a corporate buyout specialist, he made massive profits by shuttering plants, firing workers and investing in companies that pioneered shipping of good American jobs overseas."

"The Betting on America" slogan strikes a patriotic tone for Obama, appropriately after the July 4 Independence Day holiday. But it also positions him as a champion of the US worker, and raises the not so veiled hint from his team that Romney is doing the exact opposite.

As they argue Romney's former company Bain Capital helped firms active in the first wave of "offshoring" US jobs overseas, Obama partisans got a new weapon Tuesday -- renewed focus on the multi-millionaire's complicated tax arrangements.

A report in "Vanity Fair" magazine suggested Romney exploited myriad loopholes and tax breaks, including offshore havens, to shield his vast wealth. "Today we're learning more about Mitt Romney's bets against America," Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt said.

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