Tuesday, July 3, 2012

REPORT: Secret Service shuts down 'fire Eric Holder' protest

U.S. Secret Service officers shut down a student-led protest calling for President Obama to fire Attorney General Eric Holder this morning, according to a report from in front of the White House.

After discovering a “suspicious package,” the Secret Service ended the protest. “Several agents seemed hostile to our march and seemed anxious for us to leave the area,” Maurice Lewis, a University of California student, told Campus Reform. “The discover[y of] the ‘unidentified package’ came just as the protest began gain traction.”

The U.S. House of Representatives cited Holder for contempt of Congress on Thursday after he defied a subpoena demanding documents pertaining to Operation Fast and Furious, the gun-walking scheme that claimed border patrol agent Brian Terry’s life.

The Justice Department denied, in a February 4, 2011, letter to Congress, that law enforcement ever allow guns to be trafficked into Mexico. In December 2011, DOJ retracted that claim.

About 50 students congregated outside the White House this morning for the anti-Holder protest.

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