Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Runaway Slave Movie - Trailer #2 with special message from CL Bryant

Dear Fellow Patriot,

I am CL Bryant, a former democratic radical, former NAACP Chapter President, current Tea Party leader and eternal freedom fighter. I have journeyed the new Underground Railroad to escape from the Progressive plantations of the government masters, the eyes of liberal overseers and the whips of conformity. I am the Runaway Slave!

The chase is on to finish our feature-length documentary about how sinister big government and progressive policies have disproportionately affected the Black community and how Black Conservatives are speaking truth to power to break the shackles of tyranny so all Americans can be free at last. See for yourself at

I believe in an America defined by courage, liberty and faith. We have the courage of our founding fathers who sacrificed their personal safety, security and their very lives to break the chains of bondage of an oppressive government. In each American is the light of liberty; the desire to chart our own destinies. In faith, we ask God to grant us the wisdom to seek His counsel in each step we take!

These steps I have taken have been only through God's guidance and now I need your help to finish this film.

As the Runaway Slave, I have traveled across the nation with my crew to expose the results of progressive policies and the underbelly of this movement that seeks to seize the hopes of America and drag them down this thorn-laden path to destruction. I have interviewed Black conservatives, tea party leaders and journalists who fight for the soul of America through any channel that will hear their calls.

Runaway Slave movie will take the message of liberty to our nation. Right now, $45,000 stands between me and the release of this movie to an America that does not judge by the color of my skin but by the content of my character. Your donation will show others that these United States of America are not a nation divided but one united by a desire to save the best hope for freedom on the face of the earth.

We have finished shooting the video; money is now needed to edit it and to spread our message to the heart of freedom-loving Americans everywhere. Please make a tax-deductible donation at to help me finish this film; the autumn deadline is looming!

Your gift will:
• Pay for video editors to assemble the stories and rent the editing equipment.
• Hire producers to dig through the hours of interviews and footage to find the right, persuasive stories.
• Hire a public relations professional to book me on radio and television shows to raise awareness about the film.
• Supply marketing funds so we can blast through the Liberal Hollywood machine and find new ways to distribute the film to a theatre near you.
• Purchase historical stock footage from video libraries.
• Maintain and update our website and eNewsletter.
• Help me reach millions through email and other internet resources.

Your prayers and financial support have brought me this far, now let's cross the finish line together! You have already run hard with me, I now ask you to run harder. Whether it is $20 or $2500, your tax-deductible donation at will help!

Run harder!

God Bless and Keep you! CL Bryant

P.S. Our funds are depleted but we are so close. The crew, my family and I have sacrificed personally and financially to make this film. We asked for help and the kindness and the generosity of the American spirit have shone through. We need your help once more.

Any amount that you give will get us closer to the goal of completing this film. Let's finish this journey together May God Bless you & God Bless America.

FreedomWorks Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan education and advocacy organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax deductible as charitable gifts.

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