Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rep. Akin is an idiot but the media thinks you are too

After witnessing the nonstop news cycle revolving around the frankly idiotic comments of Rep. Todd Akin, the so-called main stream media is now working tirelessly to try to impute Akin’s moronic view on “legitimate rape” to the entire Republican party. Don’t believe me? Read the latest headlines from the organized, leftist media. Obama and his media surrogates want the public to think that this soon-to-be-former Representative represents us all. I didn’t vote in the Missouri primary for this d-bag, did you?

But the media seems all too happy to ignore the outrage from the Republicans like Chris Christie, Jan Brewer, Scott Walker, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Scott Brown, Ron Johnson, Mark Levin, Sarah Palin, and even the Tea Party Express (oh wait they’re all crazy sexists right?). Romney has called for him to step down and the GOP has even pulled funding for him. We here at NakedDC are also calling for him to drop out after these comments.

But you know who isn’t calling for Akin to drop out? Akin’s opponent for the Missouri Senate seat Claire McCaskill (in case you don’t remember, she’s the one that blamed President G.W. Bush for letting people die after Hurricane Katrina purely because they were poor and black. Kanye West took a similar stance). This comment makes him incredibly beatable so who can blame her? Too bad there is an incredible double standard in this country or there would be equal outrage in Taxachusetts over Elizabeth Warren’s comments. Shit, you can’t even get the media to get outraged when a Democrat pervert is caught corrupting a minor (I bet you haven’t even heard about that story).

So, while the media wants to connect the greater Republican movement with Akin’s comments, the headlines should read “Americans soundly reject Akin’s 1700s era comments.” Instead they read more along the lines of “AKIN’S COMMENTS ARE PROOF THAT REPUBLICANS EAT NEWBORN BABIES!”

Your so-called watchdog media at work ladies and gentlemen.

source: NakedDC

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