Saturday, November 10, 2012

Voter Fraud Expert: Romney Votes Not Counted in Key States

November 10, 2012

Florida and Ohio called for Obama before substantial number of ballots checked

Vote fraud expert Bev Harris told the Alex Jones Show that a substantial number of votes for Mitt Romney in the key battleground states of Florida and Ohio, both of which went to Obama, were not even counted before the result was announced.

Harris, the founder of non-partisan elections watchdog Black Box Voting Inc., is a well known vote fraud expert whose work has been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, Time Magazine, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, CBS, Fox News, and NBC.

Harris said that a number of problems with voting in the days after the election came “flooding in” from across the country. As we previously highlighted, reports of electronic voting machine irregularities were widespread almost as soon as voting began on Tuesday.

Harris pointed to the actions of Karl Rove, who confronted Fox News for calling Ohio for Obama when only a mere fraction of the votes had been counted and the two candidates were separated by just 100,000 votes.

Rove attempted to explain to Fox News anchors that there were far too many outstanding votes left to be able to call Ohio for Obama, at least half a million and many in Romney strongholds, but his concerns were instantly dismissed.

“Based not on actual votes, but on projections from a single private entity, the National Election Pool (NEP), we were all told what the election results were going to be. When Rove pulled out his notes and calculations, he was basically told “Shut up, this is a science,” writes Harris.

Harris said the Ohio example was “emblematic” of what occurred throughout the night.

“I watched them call Tennessee eleven minutes after the polls closed without a single vote counted and with no exit poll,” Harris told the Alex Jones Show, joking that the people counting the ballots must have been “clairvotant”.

“Nobody knows anything about elections nowadays, what we are doing is watching the TV networks announce to us who the winner is based on a single private organization called NEP,” said Harris.

In Florida, which Democrats are claiming as an Obama victory, Harris noted how the voting trend changed only after the lights went out.

“They were calling Florida for Obama, they were separated by 40,000 votes, Pinellas County had just announced ‘we’ve set aside 10,000 ballots that we won’t count until tomorrow’….this is the stuff that’s really going on, there were 400,000 uncounted provisional ballots in Arizona and there were massive meltdowns in Pima County….so we are just now beginning to unravel what really happened during this election,” said Harris.

Harris emphasized that she was an Independent and supported neither major candidate, but that the system was obviously broken and bore little resemblance to a democratic process.

She also pointed out how the outcomes of key battleground states were announced before the voting machine results were even counted.

Harris said she was still going through the reams of data in her possession and would be releasing more information on her website next week.

“If we’re going to accept the idea that they can just tell us who won without counting any votes then….do we deserve this?” asked Harris.


Source: Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet

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