Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Slate asks, "Are You a Scott Walker Conservative?"


Why Wisconsin’s governor may be Chris Christie’s toughest competition in 2016.

If you are a Republican and you like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, then you probably already have your candidate for the 2016 presidential campaign. If you do not like Christie, then your candidate for 2016 is Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

Now that we've worked that out, you can ignore the next two years of GOP infighting. You can spend your free time canning beans or mastering the miter saw. It’s a very premature conclusion, but the Wisconsin governor appears to be the only likely conservative alternative to Christie who also has a chance at getting elected. If you are uncomfortable with Christie as the default establishment choice, there is an incentive to choose someone else early. Because if the New Jersey governor’s opponents split their vote among several candidates in the primaries, Christie will be the GOP nominee.

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