Monday, May 9, 2011

Give bin Laden bounty to 9/11 survivors

New York U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner said Sunday that victims of the 9/11 attack should reap the benefits of the $25 million bounty placed on Osama bin Laden.

“Make families and groups who helped deal with survivors of 9/11, help them benefit,” said Mr. Weiner.
He and fellow Democrat Jerrold Nadler are proposing legislation to award those millions to groups that provide service or aid to those hardest hit by the terrorist attack.

The Rewards for Justice Program established the $25 million bounty for the terrorist leader in 2004. Congress passed legislation allocating upwards of $50 million for information leading to the capture of bin Laden.

The proposal comes in the aftermath of bin Laden’s assassination by U.S. Special Forces in Pakistan. President Obama appeared in an interview Sunday night on CBS’ “60 Minutes” in which he said the raid on the bin Laden compound was the “long 40 minutes of my life.”

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