Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Glenn Beck exposes media deception on airplane terrorist attack

In convenient video format!

A man was trying into break into the cockpit of American Airlines Flight 1561 headed for San Francisco. That’s huge news and of course it was reported by the media. However, we don’t know much about the man who perpetrated the attack other than he had a passport from Yemen. But apparently there is much more to the story than what is being reported by most outlets.
The AP is the one who gave us the most information about this radical Islamic terrorist attack however even they aren’t really treating it like one. Instead he’s just a crazy man that had to be subdued. Just look at the title on their video:
I guess the fact that he was yelling Allahu Ackbar wasn’t necessary in most media reports and I’m surprised that even the AP let that one out. They sure didn’t give it much credence in the report. But this was a terrorist attack and even though he didn’t have bombs, this Jihadi was attempting to take the airplane down in a suicide mission.

This is why new media is so important.

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