Thursday, June 23, 2011

“Black is Beautiful” But Not if You Are An “Unborn” Black Child

“Black is Beautiful” But Not if You Are An “Unborn” Black Child

Oakland CA Congresswoman Barbara Lee loves communism, communist Cuba and communist dictators like the Castros..and abortion!

How can it be that saying black people are beautiful is “racist?” This is how liberals pretzel-twist logic and compassion on the abortion issue. UNBORN black people need to be aborted, according to liberal black people. Circumcising male babies is bad, according to liberals, but sucking babies to shreds with an abortion wand is good and should be available everywhere. Circumcising male babies is MUTILATION of a penis, according to liberals, but cutting off your entire penis for transgender surgery is a lovely form of sexual expression.

Last we heard from Communist-crony Congresswoman Barbara Lee, (D-Oakland) she was announcing troubling, mysterious, new, direct flights between Havana and Oakland. Now she’s really upset that someone is defending black babies in her district. How evil is that??


Does this look "offensive?"


A new pro-life campaign in California seeking to combat abortion in the black community is drawing charges of racism from Planned Parenthood and pro-choice advocates.

The state currently leads the nation in abortions, with more than 214,000 performed in 2008. And national statistics suggest pregnant black women are three times as likely to have the procedure.

In response, The Issues4Life Foundation and The Radiance Foundation have launched a pro-life billboard campaign with the goal of saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of black babies aborted in America each year.

“The impact of abortion in the black community is the Darfur of America,” Walter B. Hoye II, president of the Issues4Life Foundation, told Life Site News.

The signs in question contain the message “Black & Beautiful” and are going up in largely black communities in Oakland, Calif.

“I had an appointment with death. My mother’s name was in a book,” one pro-life advocate said at a news conference Saturday. “There was an appointed time for me to die, and if God hadn’t broken that appointment, I wouldn’t be here today.”

But Planned Parenthood and California pro-choice groups are calling the ads racist. They say the “black & beautiful” slogan is too close to the “black is beautiful” cultural-pride campaign made popular in the 1960s.

“The fact that this has been co-opted is something that is obviously only meant to divide us. I think our community can see right through it,” said Alicia Walters, with Trust Black Women California.

Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., has also spoken out against the billboards.

“I am deeply offended by the race-based billboards that are being displayed in my congressional district by the Radiance Foundation and Issues4life,” she said in a statement.

“These billboards stigmatize women of color and perpetuate myths about parenting skills and the types of women who seek and use abortion services,” Lee added.

Read the rest.

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