Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Does Hillary Have a Lesbian Connection to Weinergate?

People are motivated to follow their darker instincts by lust for money, power, or sex.

In mid-2007, rumors started to circulate about Huma Abedin a stunningly beautiful staffer working for Hillary Clinton. The wagging tongues of Washington asked logical questions about Huma.

If Hillary is bisexual (as had long been thought and occasionally uttered in public), what is the nature of her relationship with the dark eyed enchanting Abedin, a young lady from a strict Muslim family?

Is the fact that Huma was never seen twice in the same designer outfit and lived in a $649,000 condo explainable because she was trading sexual favors with Hillary for a fabulous lifestyle?

If so what does that make Huma?

How did Huma, whose government salary was listed as $9,999, live as she did?

“Is Hillary Clinton a Lesbian?”

Is Huma Abedin her lesbian “kept woman?”

In 2007, Michael Musto a Village Voice columnist who writes about gay issues commented that Hillary might be “Gayle King-ing” Huma, that is getting her a higher profile in order to head off media scrutiny about her and why Clinton would be “hiding” Huma and the true nature of their relationship.

In her tell all book about her affair with Bill Clinton, Gennifer Flowers wrote that when she asked Bill if Hillary is a lesbian, he laughed and made reference to her being more experienced with women then he is.

The purpose of this essay is not to prove Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin are lesbians, but to raise the question: If they are daughters of Saphos, wouldn’t it have been a good deal for Anthony Weiner to become Huma’s beard, or faux husband?

Killing any rumor of a lesbian relationship between Hillary and Huma would be very helpful to Hillary’s drive to be elected president, and a “President Hillary Clinton” would be enormously helpful to Weiner’s long held dream of being elected Mayor of New York City.

The coverage of Weinergate has nibbled around the edges. The reports have carefully avoided mentioning the scandal’s “third rail”: the relationship between Huma Abedin Congressman Anthony Weiner’s wife and her former boss Hillary Clinton.

Nevertheless, if this is the root of the relationship between Huma and Weiner, the whole ugly affair falls into place.

Bill Clinton understands all-too-well what it’s like to live with a women like Hillary. He knows what it can drive an ordinary man to do. Anthony Weiner’s tweets to a pornstar may be motivated by more than mere curiosity.

The biggest motivators driving human behavior are money, power, and sex. This one has all three.

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