Saturday, March 17, 2012

Breitbart Is There: At Occupy Midwest

by Dana Loesch
Sat. March 17th, 2012


This weekend socialist protesters are converging on St. Louis for Occupy the Midwest. Despite an aggressive online marketing campaign, the first event reportedly drew just around a hundred activists. The featured speakers include a man who apparently pretends he's an indigenous American, Ward "little Eichmanns" Churchill and a rumored appearance by violent activist Bill Ayers, according to numerous sources. Andrew Breitbart has also made an appearance:

This photo was sent by a listener who snapped photos of these posters downtown:

Hi Dana,

I went out to grab some wine earlier and was walking home when I saw these posters. They're all over. I only took photos of the ones on my side of the street but I could make out others down the block. Breitbart is here!


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