Saturday, March 17, 2012

Show this to the gun grabbers

by BigFurHat - March 16, 2012

ht/ frosteetoes

SHOCKINGLY wikipedia tells the story leaving out party affiliation, which only means one thing, the bad guys were democrats.
This link confirms it.

But, of course, as the lefties will tell you, THE PARTIES MAGICALLY SWITCHED. Had Cantrell been a republican, however, Wiki would have happily reported that fact with absolutely no fear of anyone saying, “hey, didn’t the parties switch? That would mean Cantrell was really a democrat.”

It doesn’t work that way in moronic and childish leftyland, where their fellow travelers are always the good guys and everyone else is the bad guy, even if it means they have to concoct ridiculous revisionist bullshit.

But back to the main thesis. This is why you cannot trample the 2nd amendment. Without it you don’t have a 1st amendment.

I almost wish Cantrell was a republican, that way we would have a glimmer of hope of getting this central point through the 6 inch thick skulls of leftards.


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