Wednesday, August 22, 2012

'Why is Obama arming federal agencies with hollow-point bullets?'

August 22, 2012 - Michael Savage shared disturbing news reports of federal agencies stocking up on hollow-point bullets, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of rounds.

He wondered why the Obama administration is so eager to help government employees stock up on ammunition, as well as why the average American isn’t up in arms over these revelations.

“Federal agencies are trying to tamp down speculation over their hollow-point ammo purchases,” Savage explained to listeners, adding:

Why does the Social Security Administration suddenly need 174,000 rounds of .357 hollow-point pistol ammo?

A message on the official blog for the Social Security inspector general says, “Our special agents need to be armed and trained appropriately.”

To do what? So that if senior citizens riot when their benefits are cut, they can always gun them down like in South Africa?

We’re hearing that the National Weather Service also bought hollow-point ammo. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration just purchased 46,000 rounds of such ammunition.

What sane citizenry on earth would not be alarmed when they read that a criminal organization like the Obama administration is arming every agency to the teeth with hollow-point ammunition?

Why would any government need hollow-point bullets in any case?

You don’t need them for target practice. When you shoot at a piece of paper you don’t need a bullet that expands inside a body and tears up organs.

Nobody has an answer. You’ll never get an answer from the Department of Homeland Security.

That sorority house is not in business to help you. They’re in business to keep you in line.


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