Thursday, May 1, 2014

Congratulations Obama Administration: Illegal Immigrant "culture of filth" creating scabies epidemic


A group of undocumented immigrants at a Border Patrol processing facility are undergoing treatment for scabies.
Border Patrol is not calling this an outbreak just yet, but they are looking into how and why it continues to spread.
Investigators confirmed a large number of undocumented immigrants recently brought to the McAllen Border Patrol Station have been confirmed as infected with scabies.
Scabies is a skin condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into skin causing severe itching and can spread by coming into close contact with someone who has it.
Border Patrol agents at the McAllen station discovered several detained immigrants had scabies Tuesday night.
The number of confirmed cases will not be released but sources said more than 100 are believed to have the skin condition.
Border Patrol regional spokesman Danny Tirado stressed that this does not happen often.
He added that not all undocumented immigrants caught by agents have skin diseases, so a case like this is uncommon.
When agents do find immigrants that are sick or ill, they report it to a supervisor and the immigrant is given medical attention.
At this time, no agents have contracted the skin disease.
The immigrants that contracted scabies were isolated and are currently being treated by local doctors here at the McAllen station.
Anyone who believes that they may have scabies, is advised to see a doctor.
The skin condition will not go away on it’s own but it can easily be treated with a special cream or lotion.

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