Wednesday, January 7, 2015

MAKE VIRAL: Charlie Hebdo covers that Muslims kill over


Charlie Hebdo covers of their satirical magazine in France has caused three Muslims to kill 12 people and injure 11 other. All in the name of the ‘prophet Mohammed.’ Below are some Charlie Hebdo covers that apparently were so bad, it was worth killing innocent people over for Muslim terrorists:
Charlie Hebdo covers that Muslims kill over
Charlie Hebdo covers that Muslims kill over
Aren’t these satirical Charlie Hebdo covers so awful? Lets see what happens the next time some magazine mocks Christians or Jews, and see if they react like Muslim terrorists do.
Christians, at least in this country are the target of constant ridicule and mocking by the left, yet you don’t see them going out and murdering people over it. The Muslims, like the progressive liberal Democrats in this country don’t like free speech I guess. The Charlie Hebdo covers prove it.


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