Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bilderberg-Meetings in Switzerland

Since the Financial Times Deutschland’s publication of an article on the next Bilderberg- conference being held in St. Moritz, Switzerland, various preparations for protest activities have been made. In order to make it clear, to these top-shots of politics, economy and international organizations that such secret meetings are not welcome in Switzerland, we would like to encourage everyone to come to St. Moritz and make their voices heard against this “shadow- world government”.
At the time of the conference- given the Bilderbergers having the audacity to actually show up in Switzerland- various journalists, reporters and activists will gather outside of the hotel premisses in an effort to shed some light upon the shadowy conducts of this secretive club. preparations concerning lodging, hotels, campgrounds, rallies, a press center and open-air events are under way. Freeman of the ‘Alles Schall und Rauch’-Blog, Mark Anderson of American Free Press (AFP), Daniel Estulin, Jürgen Elsässer, Charlie Skelton, the swiss WeAreChange-Chapter, Luke Rudkowski and Charlie Veitch, representatives of the Alpenparlament, and music artist such as Killez More and ‘die Bandbreite’ will gather and demand more transparency in politics. We hope to be able to rent a bus on Saturday, 11th of June, leaving from Zurich to St. Moritz for spontaneous accompanies. Further we are busy gathering equipment, establishing a press center allowing video live- streaming and organizing and setting up a performance stage. As usual we appreciate any support for all of these projects to be accomplices.

Power to the People!

(also see @ the Bilderberg-Meetings in Switzerland)

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