Sunday, June 19, 2011

‘Glitter Attack’ on Michele Bachmann Mostly Misses the Mark

‘Glitter Attack’ on Michele Bachmann Mostly Misses the Mark
**Written by Doug Powers

Why do this? According to the glitter thrower, who the Star Tribune identified as Rachel E.B. Lang, “it’s a really good natured, light hearted way to bring attention” to the issue of gay rights. Lang might change her tune if somebody thinks throwing stuff at her is a good natured and light hearted way to express disagreement.

Yet another well reasoned argument:


A different view here shows how far the glitter thrower missed, but close or not doesn’t matter, because she’s a bullseye when it comes to crazy.

What if a kook tried to assault a member of Congress — whether it’s by throwing glitter at Michele Bachmann or pies at Carl Levin — and the politician in question pummeled them? I’m not usually a single-issue voter, but I might consider pulling the lever for somebody who did an extemporaneous smackdown on an attacking moonbat.

(h/t Instapundit)

**Written by Doug Powers

Twitter @ThePowersThatBe

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