Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Obama summer of wreckovery 3.0

Obama summer of wreckovery 3.0: Chronic unemployment worse
than Great Depression - CBS News

Meet the new Obama summer of recovery, same as the old Obama summer of recovery. From CBS News via memeorandum: Chronic unemployment worse than Great Depression
About 6.2 million Americans, 45.1 percent of all unemployed workers in this country, have been jobless for more than six months - a higher percentage than during the Great Depression.

...The problem of course is the economy, but some industries, especially certain manufacturing jobs, are not ever expected to come back. Experts say unemployed workers need to be prepared to change careers.

...Here's another problem: more than 1 million of the long-term unemployed have run out of unemployment benefits, leaving them without the money to get new training, buy new clothes, or even get to job interviews.
More from Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Hugh Hewitt, The Lonely Conservative and HotAirPundit. Exit question: how many liberal rubes out there are still insisting that this has nothing to do with Obama's failed liberal tax and spend policies? Exit question #2: how many of those rubes agree with Nancy Pelosi: Video: Nancy Pelosi Blames Mother Nature For Increase In Unemployment Rate
If this woman is not true epitome of stupidity, I don't know what is. Pelosi

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