Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sorry AP… Murdered Oakland Man Was Indeed an Protester (Video)

Sorry AP… Murdered Oakland Man Was Indeed an #OccupyOakland Protester (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, November 11, 2011, 5:37 PM

Earlier today the Associated Press covered the fatal shootings at two different Obama-endorsed Occupy camps last night. The AP reported that the Oakland shooting was not linked to #OccupyOakland.

Police are investigating a fatal shooting just outside the Occupy From the AP: Oakland encampment that protesters say was unrelated to the movement. Meanwhile police say a 35-year-old veteran fatally shot himself at an Occupy Wall Street encampment in Burlington, Vermont.

Sorry AP.

The murdered man was indeed an Occupy Oakland protester.
PJ Media reported:

The victim was indeed an Occupier:

Slaying victim slept at Occupy Oakland camp

The man who was shot to death near the Occupy Oakland camp Thursday had spent a few nights there, his cousin said, as city officials and the police union renewed their calls for the camp to pull up stakes.

Madea Williams, who said she was the shooting victim’s cousin, said he had shared a tent with her at the camp.

Police have not released the man’s name, but said he appeared to be in his 20s. Williams said his first name was Alex.

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