Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Anonymous shows their heart: Hits Westboro Baptist Church over Sandy Hook picket plans


Anonymous published private information about Westboro Baptist Church members after the extremist group announced plans to picket the Newtown, Conn., school.

Idiotic scumbags: Westboro Baptist Church members
(UPI Photo/Jim Bryant). License photo

Anonymous reacted quickly when Westboro Baptist Church members said they planned to picket Sandy Hook Elementary School, where 26 people, including 20 children, were shot and killed Friday. The hacker collective immediately published private email and home addresses of members of the homophobic religious clan abhorred for their notoriously offensive protests of military funerals.

Margie Phelps and various Westboro members sent out tweets over the weekend blaming gay marriage for the Newtown massacre. “Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment," member Shirley Phelps-Roper said before her Twitter account was hacked by Anonymous' Cosmo the God.

Anonymous posted what they claim to be Westboro members' private details in a document on Pastebin Sunday -- though it's hard to say how easy it it to gain access to such information anyway. Anonymous also appears to have taken down Westboro's website.

@kyanonymous posted a video and message threatening to "render [Westboro Church] obsolete (via BetaBeat):

Since your one-dimensional thought protocol will conform not to any modern logic, we will not debate, argue, or attempt to reason with you. Instead, we have unanimously deemed your organization to be harmful to the population of The United States of America, and have therefore decided to execute an agenda of action which will progressively dismantle your institution of deceitful pretext and extreme bias, and cease when your zealotry runs dry. We recognize you as serious opponents, and do not expect our campaign to terminate in a short period of time. Attrition is our weapon, and we will waste no time, money, effort, and enjoyment, in tearing your resolve into pieces, as with exposing the incongruity of your distorted faith.

We will not allow you to corrupt the minds of America with your seeds of hatred. We will not allow you to inspire aggression to the social factions which you deem inferior. We will render you obsolete. We will destroy you. We are coming.

Anonymous - Message To The Westboro Baptist Church from @kyanonymous on Vimeo.

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