Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Dec. 18, 2012
Angry White Dude

We’ve seen time and time again how leftists are violent thugs. The Democrat-run Occupy and Poop Movement left a trail of death and destruction in its wake of which Muslim jihadists would be proud. The Wisconsin and Michigan labor union thugs brought a new low to political thuggery. Recently, leftist union supporters threatened the Michigan Governor that they would find his daughter at her soccer games. A leftist thug “man of the cloth” told the Governor he “won’t get no rest” and threatened a campaign of harassment because the Governor had the audacity to sign a right-to-work bill into law.

Since the shooting at the Connecticut elementary school last Friday, leftist goons are on the rampage calling for violence against those who support the right of Americans to own firearms. Eric Loomis, an excitable boy professor of history (read: unemployable) at the University of Rhode Island tweeted:

I was heartbroken in the first 20 mass murders. Now I want Wayne LaPierre’s head on a stick.

Loomis was so heartbroken over the loss of life that he immediately called for the taking of Wayne LaPierre’s life. Hmmmm. LibLogic at its worst! Here are some other emotional messages of love from the left via Free Republic:

Don’t all these messages calling for violence and death reinforce the need for Americans who dare believe in the Second Amendment to own the means to protect themselves against the leftist violent hordes trying to disarm us? As AWD has said on numerous occasions, it’s always the same with leftists anywhere in the world. Leftists are at their core violent thugs. Once unarmed, the political opponents of leftists always end up on the business end of the guns.

Leftists don’t mind having guns, mind you. They just don’t want YOU to have them. Of course, who wants to shoot at someone who has the means to shoot back? Maybe that’s why all those murderers shooting up malls and schools select locations laughably known as “Gun Free Zones.”

These calls from the left for the banning of weapons have nothing to do with safety. Liberals don’t care about anyone’s safety but their own. You better believe all the big mouth celebrities and politicians calling for the banning of guns have armed bodyguards or carry guns of their own. They’re different. They’re better than you and know just how you should live your lives. These calls for banning guns is about one thing and one thing only. The repealing of the Second Amendment.

Once the Second Amendment is overturned, the government will be free to exercise total control and fully introduce the tyranny leftists have so long desired. And America will have come full circle. Americans, like the colonists will have to choose to live as slaves of tyranny or fight for their independence.

AWD looks for Obama to rule by Executive Order the banning of the sale of any new semi-automatic weapons. He has circumvented Congress numerous times and this will only be the latest and greatest example of his desire to dictate power as he sees it. The worthless Republicans in Congress will sit on their thumbs and once again do nothing as more liberty is usurped by a dictator who long ago surpassed his Constitutional authority.

Conservatives better prepare for what is coming. The violence from leftist thugs will only grow from here. Leftists are emboldened and they are not afraid of the use of violence. In fact, they prefer it. Saves them time. Ask yourself what are you prepared to do to protect the lives and liberty of your family? It will come to that. It already has.

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