Wanting to be cured of illness is “depraved”

Wanting to be cured of illness is “depraved”
—if your life isn’t worth saving.
“In a bygone era, doctors thought every life was important. Treatment was aggressive and persistent in intensive care units even when it might be futile.…”
A UCLA “academic study” is providing the theoretical basis for denying ordinary care to those deemed “Life Unworthy of Life” (“Lebensunwertes Leben“).
That idea, most prominently advanced by the Nazis, has been repackaged as “futile care theory”, disregarding the fact that all persons are in the process of moving towards death from their earliest moments.
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences
Summary: Providing futile treatment in the intensive care unit sets off a chain reaction that causes other ill patients needing medical attention to wait for critical care beds, according to a study. The study is the first to show that when unbeneficial medical care is provided, others who might be able to benefit from treatment are harmed, said the study’s lead author.
The California Catholic Conference, the official organ of the California Bishops, expects that there will be a major push in 2015 in the California Legislature to make Physician Assisted Suicide the law of California. If disability rights groups succeed in blocking the money influence of hospitals and insurance companies in the legislature, plans are for a public relations blitz in 2016 in support of a statewide initiative. The UCLA study provides an x-ray of the disinformation we can expect to be coming over television in the summer of 2016.
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